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~t y l e r~
daisy has been out of the hospital for five months now, and is doing better than ever. thank god the mood swings are over, when she was on all of the pain medication, her mood would change by the hour. she would go from happy to absolutely distraught in what seemed like two seconds. but, that means i had an excuse to cuddle her more so i guess they weren't that bad. now, she's sitting next to me on our couch in our house with her head perched onto my shoulder and her hand rested on my thigh.

"tylerrr" she whined.

"whattt" i mimicked.

"i'm tired." she pouted.

"me too. i feel like i've been tired for two months straight" i huffed. she kicked her legs up onto the coffee table in front of us, crossing her ankles while doing so. i smiled, as that was something that was more than difficult for her to do before the surgery. but as i looked closer at her legs, i noticed two bruises forming just below her knees. one had a yellow tint and the other held a purple hue, "what happened here, angel?" i asked, pointing to the blossoming wounds.

"oh, these?" she said nonchalantly, "i just fell when i was hanging out with iris the other day." the way she said those words hurt me. like she was so accustomed to getting swollen bruises. which she is, but she doesn't deserve to be.

"and you failed to tell me?"

"look, it's not a big deal, ty." she reasoned. anger was threatening to spill out of my mouth, i desperately tried to push it down.

"yes it is, daisy! you could've gotten really hurt!"

"but i didn't! i'm fine, tyler!"

"no, no you're not daisy! you have bruises! that's not fine!" i yelled. i saw her demeanor shrink and i instantly felt a wave of guilt.

"stop yelling. please. stop.." she pulled her knees up against her chest and buried her face into them.

i've hurt her more than the bruises.

"daisy...no i'm sorry." i wrapped my arms around her and she fell into me, still covering her face. i kissed her head and said, "i just worry about you. you know i do. i'm sorry i yelled, i didn't mean to scare you." she nodded and removed her hands from her face, "there's that beautiful face." she smiled and put her feet back onto the floor, making her sit up straighter.

"it's just," she started, "my dad used to yell like that. he used to yell and swear until his face was red. i would sit in my room and listen to him when my parents thought i was asleep. his intentions weren't ill, ninety nine percent of the time when he was yelling it was usually because somebody had tried to paint us as the "pity" family and make us out to be a charity case. or, he would get upset when he felt like he wasn't good enough to be a dad. which he was, he loved us unconditionally, but he just had a hard time expressing frustration. long story short, i'm just sensitive around yelling. that's all." her face was flushed, but her smile never faded as she said how much her dad loved her family. and based on my interactions with him in the hospital, her praise was true. he stayed with her until nightfall, and got her whatever she needed. he was the dad that everyone needed.

"i didn't know. i promise that whenever i get upset, i won't yell anymore. okay?"

"m'kay." her body softened as she melted closer into me. "and i promise to tell you right away if anything happens."

"thank you." i smiled, "you ready to go to bed?"



daisy wrapped herself into the mess of sheets and blankets on our bed, humming in content. her hair was tied up into a braid and her face was bare. "tyler!" she shouted to me from the bedroom. i was in the bathroom, brushing my teeth, "it's cold without you in here!"

"i'm literally like three feet away from you, you don't have to shout." i said, although it sort of came out jumbled because of the bubbling tooth paste in my mouth. somehow, she still understood what i said.

"i'm just putting emphasis on every word to imply that i REALLY need you over here." by the time she said that, my mouth was empty and i was turning off the overhead bathroom light. i stood in the doorway of the bathroom, watching daisy flash a playful smile. she started to giggle. i started walking towards her slowly.

"and I'M just putting emphasis on every word to imply that YOU are gonna be tickled in about two seconds."

soon, she was a laughing mess in our bed.

"no, ty! t-tyler please!! oh my god!"

"what's the magic phrase?" her laughs got louder and i tickled harder

"i love you! stop! i love you!" finally, i stopped and had the goofiest smile on my face. she caught her breath and melted into the bedsheets.

"i love you too." i reply as i get under the covers and lay down next to her. "c'mere." i mutter. she moves closer to me and i wrap an arm around her as she rests her head against my chest.

"i'm sorry i yelled." i apologized. she chuckled and replied,

"you already apologized! i know you didn't mean to upset me, let's just promise not to yell at each other the next time something happens, okay? i love you."

"and i love you, my daisy."

silence, warmth, love.

a brief inquiry into online relationships {tyler joseph}//UNDERGOING EDITING Where stories live. Discover now