♡ strawberry kisses ♡

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new tweet from tylerrjoseph!

@tylerrjoseph: my daisy girl fell asleep with her head in my lap and I would take a picture but I'm afraid the flash will wake her up. I just thought you should know.

@cowardclikkie: BRO IS THIS @softclikkie??!!
@tylerrjoseph: @cowardclikkie perhaps🤷🏻‍♂️
@rainbowtylerr: AHHHHH
@trench.the.vulture: "my daisy girl" SOMEBODY COME GET HIM MY HEART
@tylerrjoseph: @trench.the.vulture daisy already got me wdym?
@debbyryan: ^^i'm dying
@joshuadun: ^^hold up lemme die with you real quick
@tylersgreengardens: idk how I feel about this...
@sodun: she looks like a walmart version of jenna lmao really ty?
@yeehawtyler: @sodun , why you gotta come for daisy like that?
@joshuadun: thank you @yeehawtyler

~t y l e r~

I stroked daisy's hair gingerly as she slept. her mouth was open slightly, only barely showing her teeth. her eyelids fluttered every once in a while as her chest went up and down, creating a slow and smooth rhythm with her breathing. even when she was sleeping, she was still so still and angelic. she looked so peaceful, I couldn't help but lean over and plant a kiss on her head. her eyes fluttered open and I was met with beautiful piercing blue eyes I had grown to adore.

"hi.." she stirred slightly and I let out a small chuckle at her sleepy state.

"hi baby. I'm sorry I woke you up." she shook her head.

"no ty, you're okay." she said through a yawn. she's so cute. oh my god. "keep stroking my hair, it feels good."

"you like that?" I asked as I continued combing my fingers softly through her honey blonde hair. she simply nodded her head as she reached over towards the coffee table in front of the couch we were on and grabbed her phone.

"aww ty, this tweet is so cute!" she smiled and her eyes lit up.

"you know who's cuter?" I asked. she smiled even wider and said,


"josh." I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. daisy couldn't help it, she was in a fit of giggles. once she calmed down, she started scrolling through the comments on the tweet. she laughed at some of them, but there were a few that made her frown a little bit. "I can delete it if you want me too." I said she looked over at me and said,

"no no no, ty. it's okay. people will say what they want. what matters is that we're happy. they don't know me like you do." I leaned down and kissed her head once more.

"that's my girl."


"ty!" daisy called from the study. I walked over and peeked my head through the doorway.

"yes?" I asked. she swiveled around in the black office chair with a piece of paper in her hand and a beaming smile on her face.

"I just finished this poem-" she didn't even have to ask. I ran over and took the piece of paper carefully from her hands, careful not to crease it. I smiled as I began to read.


I remember when I used to dream of strawberry kisses
and late night conversations.
of sweet smiles and warm embraces.
that's all those things ever were to me.
just tiny supercuts in my subconscious
a shining silhouette of something that
hadn't come to the surface.

and then he turned the light on
and made the night seem friendlier.
he turned those dreams
into an unthinkable reality.
and he doesn't just give me
strawberry kisses
and late night conversations.
or those sweet smiles and warm embraces.
he gives me love and strength
and ever glowing light
that I never got anywhere else.
he gives a reason for the stars above to keep shining
and for the earth to keep tilting
and for me to keep breathing.


"it's just a rough draft so if you want me to change it I ca-" I cut her off by leaning down slightly planting my lips on hers. I grabbed her gently by the waist and stood her up so she could be level with me, never once letting go. she ran her fingers through my hair and melted into the kiss. I broke the kiss and put my forehead against hers.

"it's perfect, daisy. you're absolutely brilliant. your mind is so vivid and beautiful. never stop writing poems, okay?" she smiled and I swear I felt my breath hitch. I'm still not used to seeing that in person.



a brief inquiry into online relationships {tyler joseph}//UNDERGOING EDITING Where stories live. Discover now