♡ hold my hair back ♡

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~t y l e r~

it had been 3 nights of sleeping on a pull out bed in daisy's hospital room, and this night was no different. I was curled up in bedsheets and one blanket, trying to sleep but failing. daisy was sound asleep, holding a teddy bear iris had sent to her as a get well gift.

she's so cute. even when she's sleeping.

suddenly the steady rhythm of her heart monitor changed as her heart rate spiked. her eyes popped open and she started to breathe heavily. concerned, I shot up out out of my bundle of sheets and ran over to her.

"daisy! baby are you okay?" she shook her head violently and said

"I-I don't know. I don't know what's happening. I was just sleeping and then I just woke up and my heart started beating very fast.   I think it be might be a panic attack." she explained. I just held her hand and whispered comforting things to her, completely focused on trying to make her feel better. unfortunately
things only seemed to escalate from there. her heart rate climbed higher and higher and there was something clearly going on.

"baby I'm gonna call the nurse, okay?" she nodded and I pressed a button that notified any nurse that was nearby. not soon after, one came rushing in and immediately noticed something was wrong.

"hey, what's going on daisy?" she just shook her head and tears welled up into her eyes. suddenly I saw her eyes become wide and somehow the nurse had some sort of sixth sense because a trash can was by her side before she could even put her head down in it. my heart ached. getting sick already isn't ideal, but getting sick in a hospital is so much worse.

"hold my hair back, ty." she choked. I did as she said and wiped the stray hair out of her face that had fallen out of her braids. she was sweating and shaking. I've never seen her so fragile.

thirty minutes have passed and now daisy seems to be much better. a doctor came in and had determined that it was a certain medication that was being given to her through her IV that was causing her to become sick, so they took her off of it. now I was sitting at the foot of her bed, stroking her hair and scrolling through twitter, ultimately deciding that trying to sleep was useless at this point.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like that, ty." she apologized. I scoffed and said,

"don't apologize, it's not your fault. if they hadn't given you that damn medicine you would still be fast asleep." the way I said 'damn' made her giggle and it made my heart warm to see her smile. I feel like I haven't seen one of her beautiful grins in a while.

"what was frustrating was that I couldn't sit up,  all I could do was lean over. that made it even more uncomfortable." I frowned and said,

"I know. stupid fucking surgery."

"stupid fucking surgery indeed." she replied. not long after that, I heard her breathing become steady and I didn't even have to look up to know that she was out like a light. I leaned down towards her and kissed her forehead lightly.

"goodnight, angel."


A/N HEY SHAMELESS SELF PROMO IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN!! i'm about to start a new book called "lucy in the sky with diamonds" and the prologue and character bios are up!! it's also tyler joseph fic but it also has major references to the beatles and the musical "across the universe" (which are both related) i'm so excited to get started on it!! there's gonna be some BIG tea and of course a lot of fluff. please go check it out!! muah i love you all!!

a brief inquiry into online relationships {tyler joseph}//UNDERGOING EDITING Where stories live. Discover now