♡ inhuman ♡

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~d a i s y~

my eyes felt heavy as they opened for the first time in seven hours, and I was met with annoyingly bright lights, the noise of babies crying and nurses rushing around with various pieces of equipment.

it was loud.

I tried turning my head, but in doing so I realized how heavy it felt. heavy like a brick, so I stopped. in my midst of waking up from possibly the strangest sleep of my life, I took note of how sluggish I felt. I had tremendous cotton mouth, I was sweaty, my hair was a rats nest, and I couldn't feel anything from the waist down. suddenly a voice piped up from beside me and said,

"oh look! you're awake. how're you feeling?" I didn't have to look over to know that it was a nurse. her voice was hushed and kind, and the sound of her voice brings an odd comfort into the room for a second. I try to muster out the word 'okay', but my mouth and tongue felt foreign and instead it came out a jumbled mess. somehow, she knew what I meant and let out a soft giggle. "well we're only gonna be down here for a little bit longer. we're in the wake up room, waiting for your very own room to be ready." I gave her a small smile. I couldn't smile all the way, it felt like my whole body was sore. "gosh, it sure is loud in here. do you wanna play some music to drown out the noise?" I gave her a thumbs up and she went to her computer and started to play some music. I recognized the tune almost immediately, I couldn't help but smile.

I know what you think in the morning,
when the sun shines on the ground.
it shows what you have done
it shows
where your mind has gone.

suddenly, my mouth finally started to feel like my own as I proudly said,

"did you know that i'm with the lead singer of that band?" at first she laughed, but when she saw that I had a completely straight face, she looked at me with wide eyes.

"you're serious?" she asked. I just nod.

"we met about five months ago. I know that's not a long time, but he's the love of my life. i've never felt this way about anyone else before."

"awww" she cooed. "that's so cool! i'm glad that you've found someone you can count on."

"yeah." i said quietly. "me too."


I was laying down in my bed, various kinds of narcotics flowing through an IV. I was just about to fall asleep when I heard my door open softly. I looked over to see my brunette headed boy and I couldn't help but smile. I wanted to sit up and hug him, but I knew I would regret it if I did. once he locks eyes with me, he runs over to my bedside.

"baby! look at you, you're okay." he leans down and showers my face with tiny and gentle kisses, lingering once he gets to my forehead. for the first time all day, I laughed. once he stops, he looks me in the eyes with a mixture of adoration and concern. he starts to stroke my hair and I smile remembering what he said before I went in for surgery.

"I promise you the first thing you're gonna feel is my lips against your forehead and my fingers in your hair. I swear, baby."

"you kept your promise, ty." I said quietly. even the sound of my own voice felt too loud.

"you know me, i'm not the kind of guy to break a promise." it was quiet for a minute, the only sound being the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor, pulsing with every heartbeat. "how're you feeling, angel?" he asked sweetly.

"i'm okay. I just feel off. a little inhuman, if you will." I answered.

"how so?" he asked, confused.

"I just, I don't really feel like myself. I can't feel anything from my waist down, I can't move all that well, my body just feels so tired. it's weird." tyler gives me a small smile and uses his other free hand to hold mine.

"that's probably all of the anesthetic in your body. once it's all out you should feel better. the doctor said that the numbness will go away in about two to three weeks. so don't worry, it won't stick around." he explained. "hey."


"I love you." this wasn't like all of the other 'I love you's', this was different. he said it like he was afraid I would forget. like maybe I had already forgotten. how could I ever forget?

"I love you too. I don't think I would've gotten through this if it wasn't for you." he smiled and I saw a rosy tinge creep up on his cheeks.

"you have a lot of people who are in your corner. twitter is going crazy." he laughed. his eyes went wide and he continued, "speaking of, I should probably give them an update and tell them you're okay." he whips out his phone and starts to type

new tweet from tylerrjoseph!

@tylerrjoseph: our daisy girl is okay. doctor said the surgery went great and that she was one of the best patients he'd had (obviously). she's tired and is in need of some well needed rest, but other than that she is golden. thank you for supporting us through all of this. we love you. ||-//

@rainbowtylerr: YAY!! so happy everything went well, send her our love!
@softclikkie: you hold your phone like a dad.
@tylerrjoseph: @softclikkie you have 24 hours to delete this.
@joshuadun: ^^it's true he really does.
@joshuadun: also jim, debby and I love you!! don't worry i'll send you memes i promise
@debbyryan: i have better memes i'm just saying.
@joshuadun: @debbyryan hEY
yeehawtyler: also i love u daisy i bet u still look as cute as ever in that hospital gown.
tylerrjoseph: @yeehawtyler she does. she's the cutest thing omg.

~t y l e r~

it was now almost midnight and daisy was sound asleep, I was still wide awake. her parents had I stayed the whole day with her. a nurse would come in every once in a while to check her vitals, but other than that the night was mostly went undisturbed
it dawned on me that daisy had really made it. the doctor said that the procedure was pretty much seamless. we were so unsure and so scared, but look where she is now.

they didn't break her. she's still my daisy girl.


a brief inquiry into online relationships {tyler joseph}//UNDERGOING EDITING Where stories live. Discover now