♡can I tell you something?♡

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tylerrjoseph: hey daisy?

daisyy: what's up?

tylerrjoseph: can i tell you something?

daisyy: anything. you know that.

tylerrjoseph: well what if i don't know that?

daisyy: well now you do. you can tell me anything. now, what is it?

tylerrjoseph: i can't stop thinking about you.

tylerrjoseph: and i know this is very soon, and for all you know i could be some 50 year old who's looking for his next victim. (i can assure you i'm not, i'm just a 30 year old guy who makes music and hopes people listen to what i have to say.) but you are the most beautiful girl i've ever laid my eyes on and when i talk to you, the night isn't as dark anymore. you're witty and sassy and you know what you want. life has it out for you but everyday you get up and kick life's ass. even if you're in pain while you're doing so. you give me strength just by watching you be strong. you've put my heart back together, it doesn't hurt anymore. jenna came to me in a dream last night and told me to let her go, that i've found you and i need to live again. i have her permission. what i'm trying to say is, i'd be a fool to not tell you how i feel about you and not do anything about it. i like you, daisy. a lot.

daisyy: tyler... i'd be lying if i said i didn't feel the same way. you're smart and funny and you have the biggest heart i've ever seen. you're so passionate about what you do and believe it or not, the reason why i have strength is because of you. you're part of the reason why i'm bettering myself. going to physical therapy, taking my medication, all of it. you give me another reason to not just sit here and let the reality of my body consume me. you are actively saving my life and you don't even know you are. i know you said you and your music didn't save my life, but god you've sure as hell saved it now. tyler, i like you too. a lot.

tylerrjoseph: oh thank god. do you know how much it would've bruised my ever growing ego if you said no?

daisyy: oh, i can only imagine. the sheer horror of it all.

tylerrjoseph: in all seriousness, i can't wait to see you and tell these things to you in person. i can't wait to run to you and scoop you up in my arms and not let go. for a long time.

daisy: 101 days, ty. 101 days until you can have me. 101 days until i'm all yours.

A/N: I COULDN'T WAIT ANY LONGER I HAD TO DO SOMETHING. I literally was gonna wait until they saw each other in person but I just need the fluff now. so. YOU'RE WELCOME THEY'VE ADMITTED IT.

a brief inquiry into online relationships {tyler joseph}//UNDERGOING EDITING Where stories live. Discover now