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tylerrjoseph: how many days, daisy?

daisyy: 102 days until i see you.

tylerrjoseph: that's still too long, i need to see you.

daisyy: will this suffice?

tylerrjoseph: wtf you're so beautiful? stop it right now?

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tylerrjoseph: wtf you're so beautiful? stop it right now?

daisyy: stop what?

tylerrjoseph: being stunning. like it's just not fair.

daisyy: wdym? you're literally the most beautiful man i've ever seen like it's not okay.

tylerrjoseph: whatever you say. how are you feeling today?

daisyy: i'm hurting. but I'll be okay, don't worry.

tylerrjoseph: awww, daisy. i don't like it when you're hurting. is there anything i can do?

daisyy: just keep talking to me. it's a good distraction.

tylerrjoseph: okay. where do you keep your phone?

daisyy: up my sleeve, obviously.

tylerrjoseph: that CAN'T be where you keep your phone. it's just way too inconvenient.

daisyy: you don't get to tell me where to keep my phone, slimeball.


daisyy: don't tell me what to do.

tylerrjoseph: oh but you know you love it when I do.

daisyy: fuck. you're not wrong.

tylerrjoseph: hehehe someone's kinkyyy

daisyy: nO I AM NOT.

daisyy: TYLER.

tylerrjoseph: what? it's true. all tyler stans are kinky, it's scientifically proven.

daisyy: uh huh suuure. you wish i was.

tylerrjoseph: seriously though have you seen twitter? they're weird.

daisyy: yeah i know. i have a twitter account LITERALLY just for you guys. you even follow it.

tylerrjoseph: oh yeah.

tylerrjoseph: i have a question.

daisyy: shoot.

tylerrjoseph: would you feel more comfortable with a seat instead of general admission? the pit gets crowded and i don't want you getting hurt.

daisyy: but i wanna hold you up during trees!!

tylerrjoseph: i know, but you know how they are. they don't care who's around them.

daisyy: just tell them to make a path, they'll listen to you.

tylerrjoseph: i guess you're right. we'll see. i'll get a seat for you just in case you try it and you don't like it or it doesn't work. i just want you to be safe.

daisyy: i know, thank you.

tylerrjoseph: don't thank me. i care about you.

daisyy: i care about you too.

a brief inquiry into online relationships {tyler joseph}//UNDERGOING EDITING Where stories live. Discover now