Corbyn - Stargazing

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I'm laying in the middle of a grassy field, on a blanket, with Corbyn by my side. We met at the age of 10, and have been best friends ever since, nothing more.

We are stargazing, which has been a hobby/tradition for Corbyn and I, we try to do it at least once a month.

It starts to get chilly, so I scoot a little closer to Corbyn, and he tightens his grip around me, and rubs his thumb on my arm. I feel safe in his arms.

"Hey y/n?" Corbyn asks quietly, not ruining the moment.
"Yeah Corbs?"
"If I tell you this, and you don't agree, do you promise it won't ruin our relationship?"
"Of course," I just say, knowing nothing can ruin what we have.

He sighs, and takes a couple seconds not saying anything.
"Y/n, I- I like you. Like, like like you."
Nobody says anything for a second.
"Corbyn," I say.
"I like like you too."

I feel him smile from my head leaning close to his, and I also smile. He brings his hand to mine and intertwined them. We have done it before in a best friend way, but have thought nothing of it. But now, it feels different. Warm. Special.


I turn my head to face him, and he faces me. I sit up a little, still facing down at him.
"I think I actually love you."

He smiles wider than he was.
"I love you too."
I lean down and connect our lips.

Our first kiss together is like the ones in Disney movies. Magical.

I slip my tounge in, not able to control myself. I start to get confident and sit on his lap, to which he sit up.

He raises his hands to my face, and I pull away and rest my forehead on his.
"Can... can I make love to you?" He breathes out , rubbing his thumbs on my cheeks. (Bro this is so awkward fjskshsk)

I only nod and I pull my head away and pull off my shirt, and yeet it somewhere, exposing my white bra. The cool breeze hitting against my bare skin. He licks his lips and brings them to my neck.

He kisses my neck, instantly finding my sweet spot, leaving purple and pink marks. A few quiet moans escape my mouth, and my hands raise to Corbyn's fake blonde hair, lightly tugging on it. And then he reaches behind me and unclips my bra.

He stops kissing my neck and admires my boobs. He grabs ahold of them and starts to suck each one, making my breathing hitch.

He pulls away and flips me over, so I'm on the bottom, laying on our gray blanket. My hands grab the bottom of his nasa shirt, pulling on it signaling for him to take it off. He gets the hint and pulls it off, and sets it aside. He also stands up, and quickly unbuttons his blue jeans, pulling them off, leaving him in his boxers.

He comes back down and hovers over me, and connects our lips again, my arms extend out, and I wrap them behind his neck. He stops and brings his hands to my jeans, pulling them down.

He takes them all the way off, and starts to pull down my underwear. The cold air hitting my area, sending shivers throughout my body. He spreads my legs open, exposing more of my area. He leans his head down, and starts to suck on my clit.

"G-god... Corbyn...." I moan, tugging on the blanket. He starts flicking my clit with his tounge, and then pulls away and instantly adds a finger in me, but not going too fast. He starts at a slow pace - which I don't like.

"Corbyn... faster..." He listens and picks the pace up, and adds 2 more fingers. He continues this for a couple minutes, until I feel something.

"I-I'm close!" I breath out, arching my back, my breathing getting faster. But unfortunately, he pulls out.

I glare down at him, and he gives me a reassuring look, and quickly hovers over me and enters me.

"God Corbyn!" I moan, scratching his back and shoulders.
"Your so tight and wet princess..." He groans, his hair sticking to his sweaty forehead. He brings one hand down and starts to play with my clit - making me more on edge.

"I'm gonna cum..." I moan, biting my lip, feeling the knot form in my stomach. A couple seconds later I release all over him, but he keeps in thrusting to make himself cum.

I felt his warm liquids enter me (pill) and he thrusts a couple times slower, and eventually pulls out.

He collapses next to me naked, and we just sit there for a minute or 2, having the cold air cool down our sweaty bodies.

I turn to him saying nothing, only smiling and intertwining out fingers again. He smiles back and covers us up with the blanket, and we eventually end up falling asleep under the stars (hoping no animals will find us, smh).




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