Chapter One

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I drive past the 'Welcome to Mystic Falls' sign. Finally, I hope my surprise is good. I pass by familiar roads and head to a house that I haven't seen in a long time. The sun had already set when I entered the state, but lucky for me the roads were clear, so it wasn't midnight when I pulled up to the very familiar home. I let out a sigh then put the car in park.

I look at the house one more time then get out of the car. I grab my bag and duffle bag from the backseat leaving my suitcase in the trunk. I walk up the little steps leading to the porch and door. I adjust my bags before looking at the door. "Here goes nothing." I mutter to myself before knocking on the door. I shift on my feet, feeling the nerves in my stomach.

The door opens to reveal Jeremy, and before I could even say anything, I'm attacked in a bear hug by Jeremy. I immediately hug back, dropping most of my bags in the process. "You're here! You're actually here!" Jeremy slightly shouted, causing me to laugh.

"Yes Jer, I'm really here." I tell him, then I feel Jeremy tighten his hold on me. "Okay Jer, I need to breath." I tell him, pretending like I couldn't breathe.

Jeremy chuckles and let's go of me. "Sorry but let's go inside so Jenna can go and do the same thing." Jeremy tells me, grabbing the bags that I dropped.

We walk in and dropped my bags in the living room. "Jenna! Come here, it's important." Jeremy shouted into the house.

Running could be heard coming from the upstairs, then on the stairs, "What is it Jeremy, I'm busy with..." Jenna stops mid-sentence after she rounded the banister coming into the living room.

"Surprise!" I shout, opening my arms knowing she's going to hug me. She immediately comes to hug me.

"What are you doing here? Why didn't you call?" Jenna asks while still holding me in her hug, causing me to laugh.

"That would ruin the point of the surprise." I tell her, she then releases me from her hug, and hold me at arm's length.

She studies me for a second, "You aren't in trouble, right?" she asks, overprotective and panic mode taking over.

I give her a 'really' looks, "I'm fine Jenna, still in school, just online now since I've done all my interactive stuff a head of time." I reassure her.

Jenna lets go of me then lets out a sigh of relief. "Okay that's good." She pauses before grinning again. "I can't believe you're here!" she says excitedly, causing Jeremy and I to laugh. "What? I'm allowed to be excited to see my niece again!" she jokingly defenses herself.

I smile and shake my head at her, "Alright, alright. Well, I'm pretty sure I'm missing a sibling to hug. Where's Elena?" I ask them.

Jenna and Jeremy glance at each other, then look at me, "With Stefan." They say at the same time.

This causes me to raise an eyebrow, and look between the two of them "And Stefan is?" I question not being familiar with the name.

"He's the boyfriend." Jenna responses, and I give her a nod of understanding.

"Ah, okay so my theory on her and Matt getting back together is broken. Well I guess I'll be seeing her later then." I say, laughing a bit at the end.

"How about we get your bags upstairs." Jeremy days, and grabs my bags that I had put down, to change the topic.

"That's a great idea." Jenna says, then grabs the rest of the bags that Jeremy didn't grab. They go to the stairs causing me to just follow behind up the stairs.

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