New League

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Chapter 13

New League


Lex Luthor had called a press meeting in front of the White House. Hundreds of people gathered around him as Secret Service Agents guarded him.

"Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, I have call you here to discuss a threat that most of it has been contained." Luthor said to the cameras, "As you all know the Justice League has been taken down for their crimes against us. But their threat is not fully contained yet. There are still many of these so called "heroes" out there that we need to take down. So I am asking for your help to take them down. If you see one of these "heroes" dial *1938 on your cell phones. Together, I promise you that we will stop them from harming this world." Luthor walked away. After the crowd cheered.


Dick Grayson aka Nightwing was at home watching Luthor's speech. He realized that he needed to use his backup plans for a backup Justice League.

He called Oracle, Barbra Gordon, a paralyzed high tech hacker who used to be Batgirl. "Babs."

"Dick? It's four morning what do you want?" Barbra said tiredly.

"Turn on the TV, watch CNN." Dick commanded.

After a few minutes, Barbra spoke, "This is bad Dick."

"I know, we could still stop Luthor-

"Stop him for what!? Luthor is seen as a hero right now and heroes are wanted." Barbra told Dick.

"We could show the world who he really is, this is our chance Babs!" Dick exclaimed.

"How? You'll fight alone!" Barbra said.

"No, I won't." Dick said, "Remember the backup Justice League plan we created?"

"Yeah." Barbra answered.

"Well now's our time to use it." Dick said.

"If the real Justice League, the World's Greatest Heroes were taken down, what makes you think your back up league can?" Barbra asked. Dick frowned, "I forgot even who's in this League of yours."

Dick texted Barbra several pictures. On the pictures Green Arrow, Black Canary, John Constantine, Zatanna, Atom, Hawkman, and Catwoman. Barbra checked the pictures and she was amazed. "You still think this won't work?" Dick said.

Barbra sighed and mumbled, "It might."

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