Teen Titans (Miss Martian)

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Chapter 17

Teen Titans (Miss Martian)


Megan Morse was in Denver investigating her uncle's disappearance. So far, her and her police squad had discovered a body of a woman they couldn't identify. They were no where near solving the case.

"Megan, go home, come back tomorrow, we can't solve this case tonight." Her captain ordered in a nice tone.

"Sorry Cap, I have to do this." Megan replied sadly.

"Morse, that an order." Her captain said.

"Fine." Megan got her coat on and walked to her car. She put her keys in the key hole and drove off. Her home was seven miles away. She past the Sports Authority Field.

After, she past the football stadium, a car started following her. Megan sped up a little. She was now going 75 mph. When she hit and intersection, another car crashed into hers. Megan's car flipped over on the grey road. An agent came out of the car that was following her. Megan, barely conscious saw the man pick her up and take her to his car.

"M'gann M'orzz, you are under arrest for your connections the Martian Manhunter." The man said.

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