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Chapter 19


Area 51

Tim Drake was brought to Area 51 because all heroes that were capture were brought there. He pasted heroes such as Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Fire, Ice, Vibe, Vixen, and the Creeper. He was being brought to a cell by three guards and had cuffs covering his whole hand.

"I shouldn't be here, why should I be here? I'm a hero right?" The Creeper said psychotically. He had yellow skin and wore green underwear and a red scarf. Creeper jumped onto the glass that was keeping him in his cage. "I AM A HERO RIGHT!?"

Tim jumped back a little but one guard pushed him back in the middle of them. "Your not a hero, your a terrorist!" A guard yelled. He turned to Tim, "Don't worry kid, he can't break that glass."

"Sure." Tim mumbled. The guards brought Tim to a cell with two other heroes in it. Tim knew the two heroes, Wonder Girl and Miss Martians, the protégés of Wonder Woman and Miss Martian.

"Robin?" Wonder Girl said surprised. She was bruised and cut.

"Cassie? You got captured?" Tim asked. The guards walked away and locked up the cell. A holographic screen held them in the cell.

"Yeah, have you seen Bart? I'm surprised he's not here." Cassie replied.

"No," Tim pointed to Miss Martian, "Who's she?"

"I am M'gann M'orzz niece of J'onn J'onzz aka Martian Manhunter." Miss Martian answered.

"Cool, have they done anything to you?" Tim questioned.

"No, but I'm suspecting they will." Cassie replied. Suddenly, a black hole appeared outside the cell. Kid Flash came out of it.

"Hey guys, I learned who to teleport!" Kid Flash exclaimed.

Surprised, Tim said, "Bart? How!?"

"I don't know, I just traveled at the speed of light and a black hole appeared in front of me. It let me teleport anywhere!" Bart said. He vibrated his hand through an electric box next to the cell. The holographic shield shut down. "Come on, let's get out of here."

The four traveled to the exit and saw twenty guards guarding it. Two holes appeared under and above them and dropped them on the floor where they were standing, they became unconscious.

The four teens saw Nightwing, Green Arrow, Black Canary, John Constantine, Catwoman, Zatanna Zatara, and Hawkman. "Dick?" Tim said.

"Tim? Why are you here?" Nightwing asked.

"The soldiers are taking the heroes here, we were captured but we're escaping. What are you here for?" Robin asked.

"We're here for Aquaman." Nightwing said, Robin looked confused, "Crazy, I know right, but I think he could help us find the Justice League."

"Well there are some more heroes in there," Wonder Girl told Nightwing.

"Okay, we'll free them too, my team needs to get to the control room. Stay out here, we'll be back." Nightwing said. Nightwing's team ran inside Area 51. They ran into two guards that were in the control room. Green Arrow shot two arrows at the guards and hit them.

"Funny, I thought I was going to miss them, those were suppose to blow behind them." Green Arrow said.

"You were supposed to miss it, I used my control the arrows to make you hit them." Constantine replied.

"Oh go to-," Green Arrow was interrupted.

"Hell? I've been, it was hot my friend." Constantine stated.

"No crap," Black Canary said. Constantine got out a pack of cigarettes. They were trying to figure out the password to release the prisoner heroes.

"I can't figure out the password, and why are you smoking in here?!" Oracle, Barbra Gordon's identity, said.

"Just wait." Constantine commanded. He lit a cigarette and smoked it. He blew into it and numbers formed by grey smoke came out. The numbers were 1930. "The password is 1930."

Oracle typed in the number 1930 and the cameras showed the prisoned heroes escaping. Nightwing went into a room with switches in it and pulled them that shut down some portable controls except one. After, Nightwing grabbed the portable control and went back to the room with his team in it.

"I got the switch, let's go find Aquaman." Nightwing ordered. They went down to the exit where they saw Aquaman following other heroes.

"Aquaman! Your coming with us." Catwoman commanded.

"Yeah right." Aquaman replied. He created a ball of water and threw it at Zatanna. Aquaman started hearing a loud voice in his head. Aquaman fell to the floor covering his ears. A tiny man the size of an ant came out of Aquaman's ear. The tiny man turned to normal size.

"Atom." Hawkman stated.

"Hey guys," Atom said. "I took a pic of the bomb in Aquaman's head." He handed his phone to Black Canary

Black Canary crouched down next to Aquaman, "Listen fish boy, you have a bomb in your head and we have the switch. We'll kill you if you don't help us find the Justice League."

"Your bluffing, I don't have a bomb in my head." Aquaman laughed.

Black Canary show him the picture. It had Atom taking a selfie next to the bomb. "Still think I'm bluffing?"

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