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Chapter 21



Bruce Wayne was buried alive in his parents' graves by one of his old mentors Ra's Al Ghul. Ra's left him thinking that he couldn't escaped but he was wrong.

Bruce had just woken up and a small phone showing a video was playing. It had Ra's Al Ghul on it talking.

"Hello Detective, or should I say Bruce?" Ra's smirked. Bruce growled at the phone, "I left you alive so you could go through the pain of losing. The pain of watching your world collapse around you." A video of the Justice League being defeated appeared on the screen, "Oh yeah, I almost forgot, you were looking for your parents right? Well they're near by."

Bruce looked to the left. He saw his parents' skeletons. Bruce yelled and grabbed his keys out of his pocket and started stabbing the dirt that was holding him in graves.

After seven stabs, a hole opened up in the dirt. Bruce opened up the hole and went outside. He saw a missing poster on the fence with his face on it.

The door to his mansion opened and Alfred walked out. "Bruce?"

"Alfred? How long was I gone?" Bruce asked.

"Three days, the Justice League is under attack." Alfred said.

"I know." Bruce replied.

"By Lex Luthor." Alfred told Bruce.

"No," Bruce corrected, "The Justice League is being under attack by me."

Justice League III: TraitorWhere stories live. Discover now