Final Battle

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Chapter 33

Final Battle

Lexcorp HQ

The whole Justice League, the New Justice League, and the Teens went to the Lexcorp HQ located in Metropolis to tell the world on Luthor's satellite that he was a lie.

When they walked in the HQ, they walked into a green room the size of an apartment and saw a count down of eight minutes on TV screens.

"What do you think that is?" Kid Flash asked.

"Something bad Bart, something bad." Flash replied.

Superman used his X ray vision and saw the building was empty except for the control room. "Five people are in the control room." Superman stated.

They went up to the control room as the clock hit six minutes. When they entered, they saw Ra's al Ghul watching a screen with Vandal Savage and Lex Luthor, Cheetah, and Captain Cold on the floor.

"Ra's." Batman mumbled.

"Hello Detective, I see you brought your friends." Ra's said.

"Take them down!" Superman commanded. Everyone ran towards Ra's and Savage. Savage beat down Kid Flash, Flash, Martian Manhunter, Miss Martian, Catwoman, and Supergirl with his super human strength.

Ra's took down Green Arrow but Black Canary used her Canary Cry to prevent Ra's from killing Green Arrow.

"Thanks Pretty Bird." Green Arrow said.

Wonder Woman tried to take down Savage but Savage also beat her down. Hal Jordan and John Stewart wrapped Savage up in chains and Shazam went to attack him. Savage though, broke the chains and threw Shazam at he two Green Lanterns. After, Hawkman whacked Savage with his mace but Savage unharmed smacked Hawkman away and knocked him unconscious.

Nightwing, Robin, and Atom attacked Ra's but Ra's smacked Atom away and took Nightwing and Robin down with his Martial Art skills.

Zatanna and Constantine tried to use their magic on Savage to put him in a cage but Savage was too strong. After, Savage knocked both Constantine and Zatanna out.

Cyborg and Wonder Girl went at Ra's Al Ghul. Wonder Girl tried to tie up Ra's with her golden lasso but Ra's dodged it. Ra's jumped towards Wonder Girl who was floating in the air and knocked her out. Cyborg tried to electrocute Ra's after but Ra's deflected the electricity and it hit back at Cyborg and knocked him out.

Aquaman threw his trident at Savage but Savage caught it and charged towards Aquaman. When Savage got to Aquaman, he threw an uppercut at Aquaman's chin and blood spat out of Aquaman's mouth. Aquaman fell to the floor.

Ra's had trapped Green Arrow and Black Canary in a cage that had lasers for bars. Now Batman and Superman were all that were left from having the United States from being a Radioactive Wasteland. "I'll get Ra's, you get Savage." Batman commanded.

"Which one is Savage?" Superman asked.

"The strong one." Batman said. Batman charged at Ra's. He jumped above Ra's and threw three Batarangs at Ra's' back. The Batarangs knocked Ra's to the floor but Ra's got back up. Ra's got out his sword showing that he wasn't going to let Batman knocked him around. Ra's ran towards Batman and stabbed him in the shoulder. Batman shrieked. After, Ra's picked up Batman by the neck holding the sword to his lip.

"Goodbye Detective." Ra's said.

Before Ra's could kill him, Batman stuck grey goo on Ra's' chest that blew up and left a hole Ra's' chest. Ra's fell to the floor with blood running out of his chest. "You okay?" Superman asked.

"Yeah," Batman replied. He stared down at Ra's, "He'll be back, alive too." Suddenly Savage jumped on Superman. Batman look at the timer, there were two minutes left. "Keep him busy."

Superman picked up Savage and threw him against a wall as Batman was hacking the computer. After, Savage got back up and tackled Superman. Savage held Superman to the floor but Superman used his heat vision which blasted Savage's face. Savage though, put his left hand on Superman's face and the beams burnt Superman which blinded him.

There was one minute left, Next, Savage charged towards Batman who was almost done with shutting down the Nukes. Savage threw Batman away from the computers. Savage shut down Batman's hacks and made it so no one could shut it down.

Superman was able to see again. He used his freeze breath to stop Savage but it was too late, he already made it so Batman couldn't shut it down. Batman ran towards the computer, "Dammit. He made it so I couldn't shut down the Nukes." There was thirty seconds left on the clock.

"So does that mean it's over?" Superman asked.

"No, I could launch the Nukes into space but that would shut down all the technology in the US." Batman said.

"Do it, it's our only hope." Superman commanded Batman. Batman typed on the computer and the Nukes went to space. After, they exploded and the building's technology shut off.

Green Arrow and Black Canary were free, "You did it, you really did it." Black Canary told Batman.

"I did, but what's happening now that there's no technology. Anyone in the hospital could be dead, anyone could break into a store now, and anyone in the police are leveled with the crooks." Batman stated.

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