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Chapter 20


White House

It was midnight and the four teens and Nightwing's team went to the White House where they were going to take down Lex Luthor. They were in front of the White House with camouflage suits on. Their bodies blended in with the background.

"There will be many Secret Service Agents in there, how do you expect to get in?" Atom asked.

"Watch this." Zatanna replied. Her eyes turned white and her vision turned into x ray vision. She saw forty nine bodies in it. She identified the Secret Service Agents and identified Lex Luthor. She snapped her fingers and the she saw the Secret Service Agents fall to the floor. "Their unconscious, we can go in."

"How!?" Green Arrow asked.

"Magic." Zatanna answered.

"Oh." Green Arrow said. The two teams went in side and traveled up three floors. They went into the Oval Office and Lex Luthor wasn't in there.

"Where'd he go?" Hawkman asked.

"I'm right here Hawkman." The two teams turned around and saw Lex Luthor in a green battle suit.

Luthor pointed his hands at Nightwing and the four teens. Yellow beams came out of the hands and shot Nightwing and the four teens. Black Canary opened her mouth and a loud canary chirp shattered Luthor's ears. Green Arrow shot an arrow at Luthor's chest where a Lexcorp symbol was located. The arrow electrocuted Luthor and he fell unconscious.

"And Superman has a hard time against this guy." Green Arrow laughed.

5 Hours Later

Luthor woke up in his boxers tied to a chair. "Hey baldy, wake up." Green Arrow commanded.

"Where's the Justice League!?" Nightwing questioned.

"Like I'd tell you." Luthor replied. Nightwing whacked a mini staff against Luthor's head. It electrocuted him.

"Tell me." Nightwing commanded again.

"You don't scare me." Luthor replied.

"Fine, Zatanna." Nightwing commanded Zatanna to do something.

"Ok." Zatanna said. Her eyes turned white and she looked into Luthor's mind. She saw the Justice League being tortured. "I know where they are and I know how to save them, they're being tortured."

"Like they won't get captured again. Right now their known terrorist! No one will believe you when you say I actually lied about them! They'll still think your liars!" Luthor laughed.

Constantine created a gun using magic and shot Luthor's leg. Luthor shrieked. "Nightwing, are you recording?" Constantine asked. Nightwing nodded. His eyes turned blue. "Admit you lied about the Justice League!"

"You won't break me." Luthor yelled. He spat blood at Constantine.

"He's right," Nightwing knocked out Luthor. "We'll make him admit later, the only thing that matters is that we know where the Justice League is." The door entering the Oval Office opened and Prometheus and Mirror Master entered holding the Flash and Billy Batson.

"Luthor, we didn't kill them like you ask-," Mirror Master stopped talking.

"Hey boys, how was you day?" Catwoman greeted. Nightwing punched Prometheus in the face and Green Arrow punched Mirror Master in the face to knock them out.

"I think we just ruined it." Green Arrow laughed.

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