Take Down (Hal Jordan)

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Chapter 8

Take Down (Hal Jordan)

Coast City Mine

Hal Jordan was called to the Coast City Mine because hostages were taken inside it. He saw six workers outside shaken up but okay.

"What's the situation?" Jordan asked.

"There's a guy who goes by Snart, he took us hostage. He had a blue frozen arm and orange hair, he threatened to kill us if you didn't arrive. But me and my friends ran, it's like he wanted us to get away." A worker said.

"Ok, I'll go in, if the police arrive, tell them to stay outside." Hal commanded. After he flew inside. He flew past dozens of icicles and dozens of piles of snow. Later, he saw six hostages tied up. He flew to them and untied them. "Where's Snart?"

"He went farther into the cave." A man shivered.

"Ok." Hal replied, he created a green line that led outside of the cave. "Follow the light and you should be led outside." The workers left and followed the line.

After Jordan flew further into the cave. He saw Captain Cold leaning against a wall with ice sculptures of people standing next to him. "Sup Jordan." Cold snorted.

"You, I should have known." Hal said.

"I know." Cold replied. In Jordan's eyes, he turned into a monster. Jordan created a giant green hand with his ring and smacked Cold. Cold was sent flying towards a wall.

"Stay down." Jordan told Cold. After, one sculpture that looked like a woman started moving.

"Hal?" The sculpture asked. Hal knew who the blue sculpture was.

"Carol?" Hal said sadly.

"You let me die." Carol said.

"I know, I-

"I can never forgive you for that Hal, you created an alliance with Sinestro." Carol interrupted.

"I'm so sorry." Hal fell to his knees, "He played me though!"

"It doesn't matter! You were evil! You were such a threat the Justice League had to stop you!" Carol yelled.

"I-I-," Hal stuttered. Carol kicked him to the floor. Hal lied on the floor with tears running down his eyes. Captain Cold left Hal, he figured he would stay there weeping while the ice sculpture of Carol beat him.

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