1. Rehab

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When I was three, me brother and I would spend time with my dad, if that's really what you could even call it. Endless nights, I remember sitting on the back of his car watching as he went in and out of a small corroded house. By the end of the day he'd have all this money, but we never got any of it.

He was selling drugs and it took me awhile to figure it out. Every time we came home with the money, she'd take it to buy her own drugs. She was an addict and hated to hear him say the word no. They weren't together, not that I remembered. We all lived in a one bedroom apartment and my brother and I had the closet for a room.

My father never slept in the same bed as my mother, he slept in the closet with us. Some nights I could hear her on the other side of the door with different men. I hated her for it. One night when I was six, we were in the back of the car like always. Lythe babbling away about how much he loved Ninja turtles.

I'd looked away from the window only a second, just to tell lythe to quit talking. It was too late though, in the same amount of time I looked away he was stabbed. Out on the floor and I watched him die. 911 took to long to come and just like that he was gone. Just 23 when he died, and I still carried the weight on my heart.

With no dad, that meant we'd have to stay with her. The first thing she did when he died was dig for any money he'd left behind. The only money he hid was for my brother and I, but she found it and she took it. We started seeing her less and less to the points where she'd pop up once every few months.

I had to make money the best way I knew how, finishing what my dad started. In between all of that lythe got taken away. He vanished with our only aunt, I never worried much about it since I figured our cousins always were well off. She didn't take me with her cause I sold drugs, but it didn't stop there.

I sold what I never tried, so I tried it. I wanted to know why people wanted so much of it. That's where the addiction began. Slowly I felt myself turn exactly like her and I hated myself for it. One night she showed up and we got into a argument so big that it landed me in a group home. Basically it was a rehab, and I'd been here ever since I was fifteen.

"Chase" a small hand waved in front of my face. I looked up dimly, prepared for the next question I'd be asked. "Chase, anything you'd like to share?" Lena asked. She was our caretaker here, one of them. She never gave up on me although sometimes I push her limits.

"No." I gave her a stare, the same one I've given her for almost four years. I've been discharged a few times, but I only end up right back here. "It seemed like you were thinking real hard just a second ago"

Everyone turned their attention to me "just thinking real hard about the day I get to leave this place." She had nothing else to say to me, and looked the other way and began to speak to Ryan.

Next to me was my favorite person here, Daniel. He and I bonded the first time we met even though he was a year younger than me. He knew peices of my messed up story, but I'd never go into detail with anyone about my life.

Everyone here only knew a surface level, my dad died and my mom was an addict herself. Opening up to people only leads to heartbreak, disappointment, and pain. I've already been though it so much I'd rather not waste my time going through it all over again. Lena knew all about me and my life story, but only because I'd got drunk one night and couldn't shut up.

"Dinner in a hour" Lena spoke to us all. We each broke away from the circle and went to do whatever it was we were doing before we were called into a group. "You're gonna be eighteen tomorrow, can you believe that?" Daniel smiled brightly at me.

"I guess, as soon as I wake up I'm leaving.' I turn to him. His expression went from happy to low and dim. "Leaving?"

I nodded again "I'm going to be eighteen, I wanna explore life outside of this boring ass rehab center." He rolled his eyes and folded his arms over his chest "what about me?"

"What about you? I can't stay here just cause you're here." I looked over at him. He was clearly upset, so without another word he walked into his set of rooms. I did the same, I figured I'd take a nap before dinner. My last dinner here. I couldn't wait to see what life had in store next for me. Maybe it's toss me around like it had been, or maybe it would go smooth.

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