9. Twenty-one questions

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It was the day after Joey had gone out with his "girlfriend" and I was stuck alone with him. Bryce has gone out early morning for his sickness which he thought was a cold.

Instead of me harassing Joey in the mornings, this time he came into my room. "You haven't come into my room, I was just making sure you didn't die or something" he grinned.

"Oh I was just giving you space, I don't think your "girlfriend" would like it you know?" I said sleezily. "Where just friends. Guys can have girl friends."

"Friends that are girls."

"I know what I said, Chase."

I shook my head and patted a seat on my bed. Hesitantly, he took it "What?" He tilted his head slightly. "My dad died when I was six." I spoke out. He furrowed his eyebrows together "oh."

"Do you love her?" I asked. His expression quickly became confused "what? You just told me your dad died why the hell are you asking me this?" I rolled my eyes "yesterday you said I can't ask questions until you can ask. Now I told you something I'm asking a question."

"Fine. But together we only get twenty one questions." He said. "Like a game?" I shifted back. "Yeah, and I don't know if I love her. I like her a lot though."

I nodded and he continued on "What did you mean the other night..about your brother?" He crossed his arms and Waited for me to respond. It took my a long while to find the words, but I came up with them.

"My aunt took him away when we were younger, I haven't really seen him sense. I haven't even spoken to him since them." Joeys expression was surprised but I had no time to elaborate deeper into it.

"The other night in your room, what were you going to say to me?" I asked making his cheeks burn pink. "I don't remember."

"Hm, your cheeks say otherwise"

"I really don't.."

"Whatever then"

We continued to play, asking eachother questions but as we went on it got less and less deep. I questions quickly became surface level questions like what our favorite color was. It went on for awhile until the last two questions.

"What's your body count?" He asked grinning brightly. "Enough" I rolled my eyes. "How many is enough?" He grinned wider. "Like a handful of people."

And then it got quiet for a long while, as if he were thinking about something. But then he spoke again "would you ever allow me in that handful?" He grinned.

I could feel my cheeks burn up, but I was smarter than his game. "That's more than 21 birlem." I smirked. He shook his head "nuh uh, I asked what your body count was."

"Yeah, and then you asked how many was enough."

"Hm guess we can only find out." He mumbled walking out of the door. It annoyed me how confusing he was. He had a girlfriend but he would go and say things like this. Was he trying to toy with me?

Of course nothing as ever actually happened between us but sometimes I felt like they should. But I couldn't screw with a boy who had a girlfriend. I have to keep reminding myself that.

Rockstar ; Joey BirlemWhere stories live. Discover now