17. Videos

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In the evening Joey received a text from Zach inviting he and I both over to his house just to hang out. He and I each complied and we got into the car to head to his house.

"Have you seen his face since the fight?" I asked. "He's face is getting better, his black eye looks more like a rash than a black eye now." He said keeping his focus on the road. "Well that's progress...have you talked to bryce since the fight?"

He nodded "I talk to him pretty often. We both agreed there's no beer between us and things just happened" he shrugged. "You guys didn't sleep with eachother it was just an argument gosh" i laughed slightly

"So is that how you're gonna be ?" He joked at me. "haha very funny, just so you know I'd sleep with you even if we were in an argument."

He shook his head playfully and the two of us went inside of Zach's house. We all took it as a time to film YouTube videos and that's exactly what we did.

First we did joeys video which was most likely too. Next we did mine which was never have a ever with a brief description of me and the city that I now lived in and last we did Zach's. His was a kissing challenge, basically me and the other girls were supposed to kiss them both and let them guess who was who.

"I'm okay with it, but why do they have to kiss Joseph." I said motioning to the other girls.

"Damn she used the full name and all...what's going on here?" Zach looked into the camera laughing. "It was just a question.." I shot back. "Don't get to happy kissing Zach." Joey said putting on zachs blindfold.

"Are y'all dating orrr? Cause I'm confused" Zach said laughing. Joey and I just looked at eachother without responding to the question. The first two girls gave him a long and drawn out kiss while I just gave him a peck on the lips.

"So I think the second one was Chase, first one was belle, and the last was Stephanie" he said taking off his blindfold.

"Nah I was the last one and Stephanie was first."

He dropped his jaw and laughed "well I mean you lowkey gave me the worst kiss. The first two were like a 8 on a scale from 1-10 and you were a 5"

"That's to high" Joey said putting on his blindfold. "Are y'all dating I don't understand this" Zach laughed awkwardly. We ignored his question again and this tome I went first.

Maybe it was the withdrawal I was feeling, but when I made out with Joey, I felt something. Something real. "Alright alright it's going on too long.." Zach laughed. Joey licked his lips as I pulled away and the other two went in to kiss him.

Both kissed he cut short and when it was over he took of his blindfold. "The first one was definitely Chase." He grinned at the camera. "Oh that boy said DEFINITELY they must got something going on" Zach muttered to the camera before doing his outro.

Soon after, Joey and I got into the car and headed back home. "Hey, I have and idea" he said turning to me and then to the road. "What?" I asked looking at him. "I'm think I should open a Bank account for the both of us."

I scrunched my nose "don't only married people do that?" I asked. "Yeah but so what, I trust you. It's not like your gonna leave me in the dirt or somethin." He chuckled lightly. I nodded "that's a good idea"

It was sweet how he trusted me, but only I know how fast he'd regret it. Allowing him to feel the way he did was fine for me, sure he'd be hurt about whatever would happen between us if I decided to leave. It was my intention at first, to just leave but now I was second guessing myself.

Rockstar ; Joey BirlemWhere stories live. Discover now