5. Happy pills

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I watched as Bryce, sat beside me on the living room couch watching youtube videos. All I did was sit and read magazines since I didn't have a phone.

The house was colder than usual, I assumed one of them had cut off the heat but I guess I wasn't the only one who wasn't cold. "bryce did you turn off the fucking heater?" Joey asked rubbing his eyes.

When I glanced, his hair was messed up and he was shirtless. A sight which I bet for many is hard too look away from, but easy for someone who didn't exactly like Joey . "Yeah, it was too hot in here" Bryce looked up from his phone and over at joey.

"Dude I'm freezing my balls off, turn it back on" he demanded. Bryce shook his head "it's not even that cold" Joey began to sulk until I butted in. "Actually, it is kind of chilly.."

Shocked, the two looked at me. Bryce hurried off to turn the heat back on and Ethan looked through his phone instead of acknowledge me. When Bryce got back Joey ran his fingers through his hair in annoyance "Bryce have you been on social media at all today?"

"No, why?" He at on the couch.

"Pictures Of you and Chase are going around and everyone thinks you guys are dating." He said. "no fucking way." Bryce quickly clicked over to Instagram. It was all you could see in his tagged posts. "I'm surprised no one has found her Instagram yet." He said

"I don't have social media. I don't even have a phone." I spoke up. The two looked at eachother and then at me "I'll fix that." Bryce said simply. "Dude I'm gonna go shower cause we need to film a collab"

"Film?" I raised an eyebrow. "For YouTube" bryce explained. "I think we should explain this whole situation for today's video." Bryce said. "Good idea."

They both parted ways and I stayed on the couch, reading the same boring magazines. By the time I finished the magazine both of the boys were in the filming room. "Chase can you come here for a sec" Bryce asked.

I got up from the couch, and walked into the room. "She looks shy." Bryce laughed a bit. "Come get in the camera, we're already recording" Joey said. Hesitantly, I sat in between the two. "Introduce yourself" Bryce smiled at me.

"Uhh my names Chase, I'm eighteen, and I'm Bryce's friend." I said awkwardly. "I think you should say Bryce and Joey .." Joey muttered.

"Why though? Your not my friend. I don't like you." I stared at him. My snarky remark only made Bryce laugh "I'm leaving all of that in" he chuckled. "Anyway yeah like we were saying, she's gonna he staying in our house for a hot minute like a roommate, no ones dating anyone." Joey finished off. "So that's basically it guys.." Joey began.

Quickly, I jumped up from the couch along with Joey and bryce. "People are gonna think she's mean because of how she talks to me.." Joey told Bryce. "Well I'm not mean I just don't like you."

He ignored me. "It was funny, I wanna leave it in." Bryce chuckled.

I didn't understand why Joey cared about the way the world viewed me, but I didn't do social media. I wasn't sure how that worked. "We need to stop by Taylers place to pick up the other camera lens" Joey looked to Bryce

"Wanna go right now?" Bryce looked through his phone. "Yeah sure" Joey grabbed his keys. With that all three of us piled into Joeys car and drove to this person named Taylers house.

When we got there, it was an apartment building. "I'll run in and get it" Bryce said walking inside. Moments passed and it didn't seem as if he just ran in. He was there for awhile. "Should we go up to get him?"

Instead of answering me, Joey got out and I followed. The two of us went into the elevator which meant this person did not live on the first floor. The elevator then stopped on the first floor, but the doors did not open.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me" Joey groaned. I looked down at his phone which was ringing and answered. "Yeah well you were taking long so we decided to come up and get you. Then the elevator got stuck."

Clearly, he was speaking to Bryce so while he was talking I pressed the help button where someone responded to me. "What's your emergency?" A voice asked

"Yeah uhm..we're stuck on an elevator. At the third floor." I spoke. The woman the replied "help will be able to get you out in 45 minutes to an hour."

I groaned and sat on the elevator floor. Being stuck in a elevator with Bryce might be fine. It could actually be fun. Being stuck in a elevator with Joey to me was equivalent to being trapped in the depths of hell. To ease the process on myself, I slyly placed one of the xans I'd been keeping in my shoe into my mouth.

We sat there for a good five minutes, waiting. "Crap my phone died." Joey muttered. I watched as he slid to the floor on the other wall of the elevator. "You know, you look nicer than you really are" he squinted.

"I am nice." I glanced over at him. "Your kinda I dunno...a asshole to me?" He said. "Only cause your mean to me. You only know my name cause bryce told you and every time you see me in the house you give me nasty looks."

"It's not that I'm mean. I just think that bryce shouldn't have invited you in our house. he hardly knows you. You're technically still a stranger."

"Only a stranger to you, Bryce and I already know a lot about eachother. I spend most of my mornings with him while your asleep. You just don't want to get to know me to prove whatever point." I narrowed my eyes. "We're gonna be in here awhile so it wouldn't hurt to get to know eachother now."

I rolled my eyes "i don't think I really wanna get to know you." He chuckled "there you go again..look I'm sorry about however I acted to you."

I decided I'd accept his apology, and from there we began to talk. About where He was from and his childhood. we had a decent conversation until we were let out of the elevator and met Bryce back at the car. Joey wasn't all that bad after all

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