scene 1

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"Don't worry. I'm fine."

Nobody knew how much those words seemed to be embedded in his mind, so much it made him laugh.

Don't worry. I'm fine.

Kim Seokjin eyed the taller in front of him, a smile that seemed sincere to the other, but he knew to himself it was nothing near sincere.

Don't worry. I'm fine.

"Okay hyung, sleep well tonight."

He nodded, giving one last smile before he watched his younger turn and walk towards his room. Seokjin sighed to himself once the door of his leader closed, the sound of the door knob clicking.

Seokjin turned to look at the door behind him. Twisting the door knob to open the door, he stepped in the room, swiftly closing the door behind him, another sigh escaping his lips. He turned to look at the empty bed he saw, the bed that belonged to his workaholic room mate.

Don't worry. I'm fine.

He was very unpredictable. He was glad to be alone, at the same time, he was scared. He hated the fact that he was so used at being alone, he doesn't see a difference at all when he is with his own members. He was so used to it, that even though he craves to be with his youngers, he continues to feel the empty space of loneliness. And he hated it. All the feelings were bottled up. Countless feelings piling up in his heart, continuously ringing in his mind, he feels his own breath hitching as he struggled to breathe. It was so suffocating, it blurred his seizing mind.

Don't worry. I'm fine.

He kept a composed face. He went towards his side of the room, slowly walking to the bed side cabinet. Opening the top drawer at ease, he pulled out a stack of green sticky notes and a pen.

Taking a deep breath, he exhaled, lacing his fingers around the pen, clicking it from the other end. opposite to the tip.

He needed to do this. It was risky, for who knows someone might take a glimpse of it. But he needed to. A notebook is too obvious and cliche. A diary would have been too suspicious. His phone is a bit too risky for the maknaes tend to mess with his phone. He knew what he was going to do is not any less riskier, but it was the only thing he can do to cope.

Don't worry. I'm fine.

Placing the tip of the pen on the surface of the paper, he allowed the pen to cry.

hi. i'm kim seokjin.

bts pt.2 // kim seokjin //Where stories live. Discover now