scene 8

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"What the fuck hyung?!"


"Do you know what you just did?!"

"I'm s-sorry–"

"Say that to Jimin, Jin."



"I knew that you have problems, hyung. But you crossed the line there."


"It'll be hard to put Jimin to sleep now. He'll be crying all night. Thank you, hyung."


"I'm going to the studio, Namjoon. I'll be back at 11."

"Wait, that's too late–"



"Don't stay too late hyung. We'll be ordering take out. I think you need to be alone for the meantime."

Seokjin sat up straight, a gasp erupted from his throat, escaping his lips. He had tears running down his cheeks. His entire body shook from the event that flashed through his mind.

He would be lying if he laughed upon hearing Will Smith saying, "it's rewind time".

His right hand placed on his chest, gripping the thin, soaked fabric of his hoodie as he struggled to breathe.

"Why the fuck can't you do anything right, Kim Seokjin?!"

Seokjin huffed, eyes wide as he hit his head repeatedly, tears flowing continuously.

He was hyperventilating. He was panicking.

"Stop, stop, stop it. Fuck. . ." He cried, stumbling at the curse he let out, hiccuping as he did so.

"alone for the meantime. . ."

He stopped shaking, stopped hitting, stopped whimpering. He stopped moving all in all, eyes dull as he heard those words.


I've always been alone.

bts pt.2 // kim seokjin //Where stories live. Discover now