scene 28

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"Is he safe, hyung?"

"Don't worry, Namjoon-ah, he's with me right now." Jaehwan assured through the phone. He knew they would get worried, especially hearing the entire story from Namjoon.

"Thank God."

"I'm pretty sure he'll catch a cold though. Found him in the middle of Mapo bridge. Pretty far if you ask me." Jaehwan commented as he looked over to Seokjin's sleeping body. There he laid on Jaehwan's bed, soft breathing was the only one heard from the younger. He had to whisper a thanks to no one in particular knowing that it would be only the two of them in the dorm

"P-Please talk to him hyung."

Namjoon's words caught Jaehwan's attention, but he sighed. "I knew there was something wrong."

He heard Namjoon sigh from the other line. "He has been acting strange for the past month. Although his behavior has always been a bit unpredictable. He'll be gloomy one minute, the next he would be jumping around for no exact reason."

"I see..." Jaehwan hummed thoughtfully. Even as a close friend of Seokjin, he never knew so much about him. He knew about his preferences, his likes and dislikes, his type, and his problems, which somehow stopped reaching him for three months, amd ever since, he never heard a thing from the younger aside from updates, the news, and maybe some gossip here and there.

"Please talk to him hyung. He needs you."

He needs me?

Jaehwan smiled sadly. He knew he should be happy that the younger needs him at the moment. But he never expected to be needed in these situations. It's too shocking and overwhelming at the same time.

He didn't know how to help Seokjin. He barely understood what just happened a whole ago. The only thing that he could actually think of is that Seokjin was hurting.

Sighing, Jaehwan replied. "I'll see what I can do Namjoon-ah."

He heard Namjoon's relieved sigh. "Thank you hyung. Thank you so much."

"But you know you should see him sooner, right? As much as I am flattered to know that he needs me, he needs you guys the most." As much as Jaehwan wants Seokjin to be with him for him to take care of, Seokjin belongs to BTS, not his.

"I know hyung, we'll figure something out."

Jaehwan had to smile. Despite his friend's condition, he was glad he had friends that were there for him. He was glad that Seokjin has dongsaengs that were willing to help him.

But why was Seokjin just out in the rain just now, crying?

After bidding good bye, Jaehwan released the groan he had been holding. He walked towards the door of his room. He didn't know he had made his way to the kitchen. Maybe a habit he had been keeping. Pacing was tiring.

The thought continued to linger around his mind.

What if his members were mistreating him?

What if they weren't caring for him like they were supoosed to?

All these questions didn't seem to make sense. The members love their hyung. They were obsessed.

Maybe they weren't the problem.

His eyes widened. He saw Seokjin standing up, sleeves rolled up, very unfamiliar liquid rolling down from his arms to the tips of his fingers.

What if Seokjin was the problem?

bts pt.2 // kim seokjin //Where stories live. Discover now