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so uhm

yes im back

woop woop

if you havent deleted this book from your library

what are you doing with your life

nah jkjk hahaha

so, i'm posting this little thing because i wanted to ask you what i should write next

i have made two ideas and i'm willing to share and you guys can either vote or suggest something else

do what ever you feel

and yes, i'm back to jin centric books for a while 'cause i need to stay in my comfort zone first

i hope those who had been reading who is it? and barista aren't disappointed

i won't abandon them don't worry

i'm just creeping back inside the box until i think it's time to come outside


back to the topic

here are the two plots i have made for a new seokjin centric book

i'm not quite sure what to start with or what to write first ahhh

so i need your help uwu

don't expect anything, i'll only give a sentence per book

let's see whag catches your eye first

here it goes:

// kim seokjin //

seokjin has a love-hate relationship with mirrors.


// kim seokjin //

seokjin surrenders for something he didn't do.

that's practically it, i hope y'all give your opinions as well on these one-sentenced teasers i gave y'all

i will try writing both but i need your votes to see what i should write first

and i also want to know what you think i can write on jin centric plots

who knows it might be something i can actually write and portray well

who knows

comment your ideas

and if y'all have questions for any of my books comment too

amma leave tabs for y'all if you like to comment or what ever uwu



questions (for me or any character just specify the book):

that will be all for now, i havent posted in a while and i think it'd be best if i take a break from the real world to this world

thank you guys for sticking, i love you all and i am not shy about it

accept my affection children

bye y'all and see you in future books!

bts pt.2 // kim seokjin //Where stories live. Discover now