scene 23

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Seokjin shakily held the phone to his ear once he pressed Accept.

What if he asks about something? What if he was suspicious all along and wanted to question it? What if he actually found out?

"Hello?" Seokjin heard the familiar voice, smiling by instinct despite the worry and fear.

He didn't know how to respond. It's been a long time since he had a normal talk with a friend.

He said the first thing he thought of.

"Who dis?"

He could imagine Jaehwan being taken back. "The heck, can't even recognize your best friend's voice?" He said in disbelief.

Oh shit. It's Sandeul. He's a bad friend.

"Wait, S-Sandeul?" The younger stuttered. Now he was the one taken back.

"What the- It's Ken for fck's sake."

Oh. So it was Jaehwan after all. He wasn't a bad friend all in all.

Has it been that long since he talked to one of them?

"Oh." He knew he had to act oblivious. If so, it would be like confirming Jaehwan's hypothesis. "Do you, uhm, need something?"

Act oblivious.

"Just wanna check on you. and as cheesy as it may sound, I want to hear your voice." He heard Ken's shy voice from the other line.

"I'm oddly flattered." He admitted. It was one of the truths he was involved in, maybe just the second truth he said verbally. "Seriously though, is there something you need?"

"Just wanted to talkk, don't you wanna talk to your Kenniee?" He had to hold in a nervous laugh.

"Uhm, it's okay, I guess." Lie.

"What do you want to talk about?" Seokjin asked, wanting to end the call already. Not that he didn't like talking to Jaehwan, he loves him, but he didn't like the situation.

"How have you been lately? We haven't talked in a while and I am curious of what you've been doing lately." He can hear the enthusiasm in Jaehwan's voice. He can hear the attempt of starting a conversation in Jaehwan's voice.

Seokjin scratched the back of his neck. "Well, tour is going great, I guess." Another Lie.

Jaehwan hummed in understanding. "Mhm, how about you? Your interaction with your fans and all?"

"it's fun. i like the fact we got the opportunity to see armies around the world." Partially true.

"That's good to hear!"

"Yeah it is. . ."

"How about you? How have you been?" Jaehwan questioned.

He feared this.

"I'm fine. As far as I know, hehe." That's partially true too. Aside from the first part.

"I see. . ." He heard the hesitation and uneasiness of his friend, making him bite his lip in nervousness. Did he sound unconvincing?

He needed to change the subject. "Uhm. . . How about you Jae? What's been going on with you?"

Jaehwan sighed. "I've been fussing over something lately."

"What's that?" Seokjin admitted to himself, he was curious. For a second, he forgot what he was worried about. He felt warmth spread all over. It was as if they were speaking to each other just like before. He missed it

"There's this account I've been keeping an eye on in instagram." Seokjin froze.

"Ah, what about it?" He didn't stutter. The warmth now gone.

"Well, he claims to be an idol, he posts about his life, perhaps using it as a diary or a place where he releases his thoughts." Shit.

"A-Agh, uhm, what's the name?"


Shit. Shit. Shit.

"I don't know why but it concerns me. Like, I got a feeling I know and have to help the person behind the account."


He knows, Seokjin thought. He fucking knows.



"You were quiet for a while. Are you alright?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm okay." He cursed at himself when he stuttered.

"Are you sure? You don't sound okay."

"Yeah, I'm sure." He felt tears fall. Wait, what? He was crying. He knew. Sooner or later, they'll start neglecting him. They'll no longer accept him.

"Uhm, okay then." Hesitation.

"Have you, somehow, heard of the account?" He'll have to set a date already.

"I-I think I have. It just rings a bell that's all." Tomorrow is too soon.

"Odd." But, he did prepare for it.

"Wait." The day after tomorrow, everyone has a packed schedule.

"Our manager is calling uss, i got to go." Except for him.

"Ah, okay." Thank God.

"Let's talk again, yeah?" I can't.

"S-Sure." I'm sorry.

"Bye jinniee, don't forget to leave a message time to time okay?" I'm so sorry.

"Hehe, i'll try Jaehwan." Forgive me.

"And remember,"

"Remember what?"

"I'm here for you." Stop.

"I'm always here for you." Stop the lies.

"Don't forget, okay?"

"I-I'll keep that in mind."

"Now get going, I don't want to hold you back as well." Seokjin smiled. It became a habit. Smiling sympathetically for himself. Pitying himself. It will be his last good bye after all.

"Uhm, okay. Bye Jinnie."

"Bye." Bye.

bts pt.2 // kim seokjin //Where stories live. Discover now