scene 32

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"What are you doing in there?"

Seokjin stutters. "N-Nothing."

Out of suspicion, Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows. "You better not be doing anything hyung."

"Really! I'm not doing anything. Taehyung-ah!" Seokjin exclaimed from the inside.

Taehyung thought that his hyung was too defensive. Wow. He's stating the obvious now.

Taehyung narrowed his eyes. "I'm coming in hyung."

"Tae, don't come in!"

"Why not hyung?" The younger asked, worry and suspicion growing.

Seokjin groaned. "Just don't!"

Unconvinced, Taehyung huffed. "I'm coming in."

"Taehyung, don't-!"

The doorknob clicked open, revealing the younger looking over to his hyung, eyes widening instantly.

"Get the fuck out Kim Taehyung!"

Taehyung gasped, covering his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry hyung! I d-din't mean to!"

"Get out!"

Taehyung shut the door behind him, a blush creeping up to his face.

I did not just barge into my hyung taking a shit. I'm freaking embarrassed, what the fu-


Shit, shit, shit-

"Yes hyung?"

"Uhm, can you get me some p-paper towels?"

Taehyung had to hold back a chuckle. Just the picture of Seokjin's blushing face when he entered the door made him laugh. He didn't know why but he was glad he can make his hyung like that. He saw something other than a pain-filled and emotionless face. He saw a embarassment, he heard different tones of his voice other than

It was progress.

"Okay hyung, on my way."

"Oh, and Tae?"

Taeyhung stopped. "Yes?"

Seokjin let out a sigh. "Please knock this time."

Taehyung chuckled, holding a hand over his lips. "Will do hyung. Will do."

bts pt.2 // kim seokjin //Where stories live. Discover now