scene 26

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"Hyung, w-what is that?"

Seokjin gave him a small smile, althought not looking up. He can't meet his dongsaeng's eyes. He'll fall deeper if he did see it.

"I'll follow you out." He mumbled, not moving from his spot.

"What are you holding, hyung?"

Shaking his head, Seokjin pocketed the pills in his sweater, still clutching the drugs. "Go Tae, I'll join you there."

"Were those pills?"

"Yes, now go Taehyung, they're waiting for you." He stood up, fixing the his sheets.

"What were those for?"

"I planned to sleep."

"Oh for fuck's sake!"



"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

People ask me that a lot of times.

"What do you mean Tae? I have been here the entire time."

"You know what the fuck I'm talking about!"

Upon hearing their dongsaeng's yells, Namjoon stepped in alongside with Yoongi.

"What the actual shit going on?"

Oh so we're all cursing now?

"He was trying to fucking overdose himself!"



"I just wanted to sleep."

"So swallowing a fucking handful of pills is your definition of sleep?!"

What's wrong with that?

"What?" Yoongi spoke up.

"Show them hyung. Show them what you're hiding!" Taehyung taunted.

I'm not hiding anything.

"Hyung?" Namjoon looked at Seokjin sternly. "Can you give me your hand?"

Seokjin doesn't. "Let's go, I'm hungry."

Seokjin walked pass them, reaching the door with his free hand, the other still in his pocket. He froze when he felt someone pull him with the other arm, flinching a bit, he sent the capsules flying. He watched the white buds fall on the floor, scattering all of the room.

He was there already.

His breathing hitched but he remained an emotionless face. Before he could stop it, he felt a tear fall from his eyes.

Damn photo.


Seokjin ran.

He sprinted towards the door, startling the other three that were chatting around the table.


Seokjin heard the youngest whisper after a call from Namjoon.

He ignored it willingly. He can't face them right now. Maybe never.

Run. Run. Run.



He had tears running down, his hood over his head. He no longer heard calls, he no longer heard the yells of his youngers. Did they give up?

Stupid, they're tired of you.


Shocked to hear thunder, he ran faster. He felt droplets of rain fall on him. Later did he know, he was soaked. He continued to run.

Why is life so cruel to him?

First, the family who neglected him.

Second, the fans that told him the truths he had to hear and accept.

Third, the company who treated him the way he was supposed to.

Fourth, the demons lurking in the corners of his mind.

Fifth, the fact that he greeted those demons with open arms.

Sixth, the people who were tired of hearing his troubles.

And lastly, his members that were deaf enough to not hear Seokjin's pleas until he was at the point of taking his own life.

He can't blame them. He can't blame them at all.

It was his fault after all.

Seokjin faced the railings, listening to the gushing wind and the clashing of the water underneath. He was on a bridge, under a storm.

Man, this is so cliche.

"I know right?"


"It's over now, right?"

Stop stating the obvious.

Tears fell as he smiled bitterly. He had accepted the fact. He had accepted the reality that he'll never reach his family's hearts, the company's respect, his fans' standards, and his members' expectations.

He'll never reach his dream.

"All those efforts were for nothing after all."

He chuckled.


bts pt.2 // kim seokjin //Where stories live. Discover now