scene 9

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Seokjin's eyes widened as Jungkook ran, practically diving to his bed, into his arms. He remain still, afraid what he'll do might upset the maknae. Breath hitched as the younger whimpered into his chest, shaking.

Seokjin wasn't new to this. He was often the person his members go to when they needed. Whether they felt under the weather, stressed, lonely, sad, or just in the mood to cuddle. He was always the shoulder, the person they could rely on.

But after days, weeks, no, months of not receiving any of those, it became so weird. So, foreign. So, unfamiliar.

But he wasn't new to it. He knew how to comfort them, what to do, what to say to ease them. Apparently, growing up with them, he picked up every single habit, from the most obvious to the tiniest ones. He knew how to take care of them.

Slowly, Seokjin brought his fingers, shakily, to his younger's hair, tracing the strands. He heard the maknae give out a shaky sigh as he felt the elder's soft touches, not missing the silent whimpers as he continued to sniffle. Seokjin knew Jungkook was still crying.

"What's wrong, Koo- Jungkook?"

He stumbled when he nearly called the maknae by his nickname. He was scared to anger the younger more, knowing they were not in good terms. It felt unnatural when he called him, 'Jungkook'. It felt like a word from a foreign language on his tongue. When was the last time he called them by their names? When was the last time he called them? When was the last time he talked to them?

"Please, speak to me, Jungkook."


"What? What's wrong, Jungkook?"

"Don't call me that. . ."

"C-Call you what?"

"Kookie, Kookie, Kookie. Call me Kookie, Hyung. . ."

Seokjin was hesitant. He was confused why the male  who was in his arms, crying, talking to him, even asking him to call him by his nickname despite the fact the he, the Kim Seokjin, did his talent. Fuck up.

"K-Kookie, w-what's wrong?"

He heard the younger start mumbling things inaudible due to the sniffles, blurring the mumbles. But Seokjin kept silent. People don't see but, he was scared. He was anxious. He was terrified. He didn't know what to do, knowing he'll just fuck up.

The sniffles started to die down. Seokjin could now hear what Jungkook was saying.

"Mianhe, mianhe, mianhe. . ."

Seokjin teared. He didn't know why the youngest was apologizing, nor did he know what for. His heart clench hearing those words. "Don't apologize", he said to himself.


You did it again.

You fucked up.

bts pt.2 // kim seokjin //Where stories live. Discover now