chapter 2: my regret

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I was up in my room scrolling through my instagram tags. I saw some screenshots from my interview the other day with Jimmy Fallon, some old photos of my boyfriend and I, and there were some from Austin and Ally.

Apparently Austin and Ally is still viewed by our fans everyday, so a lot of my tags are pictures with my co-stars from the show. "Man, I miss them" I quietly whispered to myself.

To be honest, I regret the way I ended things with Ross and I feel so bad about it. He said three words, eight letters, and I just didn't feel the same, so I fired back a response. "I hate you." When I said those three words I almost heard his heart break and the sadness that rushed to his eyes. Another thing, I love him too, but not in the same way as he loved me. I felt so guilty, I still do, and probably always will.

I don't know what he was thinking at that exact moment, but I know I should have let him down easy. After I said it, he stood for a second, then he ran out of that room and I called Rydel.

She was upset that I'd hurt her brother, but after I explained everything, she understood. She said she checked up on him and he couldn't talk. Rydel even told me that he cried for hours. She called me again a week later saying that Ross hadn't left his room for that entire week except to go to the bathroom and that he hardly ate.

I was told that he was slowly starting to get better, but his broken heart stayed buried in his chest.

I haven't talked to her for a few years so I guess those three words were the worst eight letters I've ever said.

It caused me to lose all the Lynch's as friends, my best friend, Ross, and my second mother, Stormie.

I wish I could call all of them and tell them I miss them. Especially Ross. He was my best friend for six years and I ruined that in .4 seconds.

It's not like I can really contact them, since I lost all of their numbers. I only lost them because I switched to an iPhone, but I still kept my flip phone in a drawer by my bed.

I sat down on the little chair in my room, under a blanket, considering it's January, and picked up a magazine that I am subscribed to.

It was one of those teen ones that people read. I flip through the pages and someone catches my eye. Ross.

To people who don't know him well, he may seem happy and careless, but deep in his eyes, I can see a hint of sadness. I sit and wonder who caused it, and I know it can't be me, not from something I said 7 years ago.

I stare at the blonde boy printed on the thin paper. He hasn't changed much, except he doesn't look truly happy like he always was back when Austin and Ally was still being filmed.

I shut the magazine and started to close my eyes.

so i'm gonna update this pretty quickly until it's starts getting more views and votes. if by the tine i hit the 15th chapter and nothing has really happened, i'll slow down a little.

please vote and comment....thank uuuu

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