chapter 10: i love you. i hate it

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We left the ice cream shop and Ross was now driving us back to the city, where my apartment is.

"So... I had fun tonight" I smiled as I tried to make so small talk.

"Yeah. For sure, we'll have to do it again sometime."

I smiled over at him.



"I know this is like... really random but was this supposed to be a date without me catching on?" I ask him, wanting to clear my suspicions.

"No. I mean yes but a fun, catching up kinda date. But if you want it could be a date. You can be a lucky girl and get one of those from me." He smiled as the words were said.

"Whoa. I never said I wanted one."

"Whatever you say. It's still a date. Two people out having genuine fun together...." He winked at me.

"Ughh. Just keep your eyes on the road" I tell him as he chuckles and turns his head back towards the roads, and puts his two hand back on the wheel.

I just watch him as he focuses on the road. I mean I guess he's cute. Like very cute....

Wait Laura. Focus, you have a boyfriend. You love Shawn, not Ross. Well you do love Ross, just not in the "I'm in love with you" kinda way.

But he still loves me. He said so. I can just be with him.

"Laura? You're staring. I mean, I don't blame you cause it's pretty obvious that I'm attractive." He laughs a little.

"Whoa. I got a boyfriend remember and it's not you so eyes on the road mister." I said playfully.

I wait for him to respond but he stays quiet.

"Hey? Did I say something wrong?" I ask him.

"It's just... you."

"Me?" I reply, dumbfounded.

"Yeah. You. Everything about you. Your personality. You're beautiful. Your laugh. You're funny. Your smile. Your eyes. Your height. Your voice. Your heart. You're you... and I love all of that." He says sweetly. Then his eyes drop, but flick back up when he remembers he's driving.

"But there's only one thing I hate about you." He continues.

"What? There's something you hate about me?" I ask, on the verge of tears, some happy and some broken ones.

"Yeah. I hate that you're not mine."

"Ross we talked about this. You know how I fe-"

"Yeah. I know. You told me you are happy with him, but the thought of you with someone else? I fucking hate it."

I was a little taken aback with his confession.

"Ross you can't control my life, just like I can't control yours. If I could, you know exactly what I would do." I yell as him furiously.

"Yeah. What would you do?" He fires back.

"I would make you fall out of love with me." I say quietly.

"Of course you would. You don't love me." He pulls the car over to the side of the road. He then puts his head down on the wheel.

I look out the window and see my apartment building.

"Thank you for the night and the ride." I say as I start to open the door.

"Laura?" I hear from behind me.


" Do you trust me?" He asks.

"Well, yeah, I guess I do."

"Then get back into the car."

I slide back into my seat and shut the door again. I slowly turn my body towards his and give him a questioning look.

"Close your eyes."


"You said you trust me."

I sigh and close my eyes. I felt a breath getting closer to my face. Then a pair of lips brushed against mine.

"Ross. I-"

"Just once." He says. "I have to feel this once more, even if it's the last."

His lips press down against mine a little more. Then  before I knew he had kissed me and my body went numb. Whoa.

I let out my breath and opened the door and ran to the main doors of my apartment. I watched as his car drove away.

what a chapter huh....

so they kissed....

i'll update again on either tomorrow or wednesday, depends when i have time...

see ya laterrrr

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