chapter 2

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"Everyday is a new day and you'll never be able to find happiness if you don't move on"
           ~Carrie Underwood

Jade's pov

4th period got over quickly and I hurried off to the cafeteria hungry as ever. Spotting Xander and Lilly near our usual spot I walk over there with a exausted  and irritated look.

Why do Mondays have to be such a pain.

I quickly glance around to notice Aaron staring at me. I quickly let down my hair to cover my face not liking the attention.

As I keep glancing back at him with a sense of uneasiness.
Lilly kept talking about a new exchange student, who is Canadian,

" I bumped into him on my way to bio. He is so hot. I heard he might just be the school's new bad boy. "

That caught my attention," pla-ease, I doubt anyone can beat Aaron's record of the-girls-he-fucked."

" Well what about he already fucked most of the sluts here already?" She squealed.

" uh?"

" that's what I heard"

" whatever"

The entire school started was talking about the new exchange student and I didn't give a shit. That is until I bumped into him.

" Sorry sorry"

All his books were on floor and I helped him collect them.

I look at him to see my self staring at the oddly familiar face.


"Oh my good, Jade. Is that you?"

" YES, what the hell are you doing here?"

" Here as in town or school or here is general?"

" All!"

" Well I missed you so I decided to leave Canada and come here."

" oh please"

" My dad left me here with granny, he said he is barely home. I kept staying over at my mum's house but you know how she is, so i decide to come here. Grammy isn't so bad. Especially since granny is an amazing cook and I suck at it."

" oh... So you're the guy everyone is talking about?"

He nodded. Damien is my childhood bestie. He is like a second brother.

He shifted to Canada 2 years ago and since then we hardly got to talk. " We should catch up" he nodded.


I introduce Damien to Lilly who got  along really well. As for Xander, he just kept looking at Lilly and Damien with a glare.

Looks like someone is getting jealous. After Lunch I pretty much got through the classes staring at the board not really comprehending what the teachers were saying.

Final bell rings indicating school is over and I rush towards the locker. I see Damien walk towards me from my peripheral view and turn to face him.

" Hi"

" Hey, are u free today? I would really like to catch up." He grinned.

Well now I could leave Lilly with Xander and their make out session.

Plus hanging around with someone other than Lilly, Xander or Drake would be good. I was getting tired of Drake's ego and the love smitten eyes of my two best friends. It did hurt me when Damien left but I am over it.

" Sure"
I drove home with a smile. As I reached home I noticed Aaron's bike parked. Oh god, I totally forgot.

I went inside and saw Drake and Aaron talking with dad. They were more like fighting. Ignoring this I quickly went up to my room.


I just finished writing my essay for English when my phone buzzed.

Damien: heyyy
ME: hey
Damien: look outside your window

I opened my curtain to see Damien standing alongside his car. He noticed me and waved.

Me : we are going out?
Damien: yes. Come quickly.
Me: gimme 5 minutes.

I ran to my closet to find and a good outfit and changed. Running down the stairs I bumped into Aaron.
Shit shit shit shit. Why am I acting so careless???

" Woah, slow down."

" Sorry"
I looked down, not really knowing what to do. He doesn't know me. No one knows me. I looked up.

I was so close I could smell his Cologne. Damn he smelled so good. Why did I have to bump into him now. Ahh his smell Damn it, what the hell are u thinking.

Shit, I didn't realise I was staring.

I panicked. He now knows I live here.
I know him. I'm an observer. I know he is always curious. Always finding answers to the what's and why's.
So I did the stupidest thing everI pushed past him and ran towards the door. Seriously, I have to stay away from that man.

I saw Damien standing, with a smile on his face. I removed my phone and texted dad. After what happened I always text him if I'm going out with someone other then my brother or Lilly and xander.

ME: Going out with Damien.
Dad: Damien as in who left Two years ago?
Me: Yes, he's back.
Dad: Oh okay.
DAD : have fun😊

I walked up to him. He was wearing a simple white buttoned shirt and black pants.

As I walked towards him he asked," I was wondering, if... You could callthisadate? "
" I didn't catch the last part"
" Would u like to call this a date?"
What the..
That was fast.


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So everything about her past is a little blurry but I can say that everything will get cleared out once you read ahead. You will get a clear. picture of why Jade is the way she is and why she hides and stuff like that. I'll be giving daily updates till next week. Maybe if I have little extra time I'll even give a double update

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