Jade's povI feel so guilty. I shouldn't have pushed Aaron down the bed. I slept wonderfully that night. Once I woke up though, I got scared of the strong arms wrapped around my waist.
I thought they were his.
I thought he was back.
I thought he returned to have his way with me again.
That's what caused that panick attack. Only I didn't realise how safe those arms felt, how protected they made me feel at first.
Drake and Aaron are not on speaking terms with each other since that day.
It's been two weeks and I can feel the tension between them.Xander and Aaron talked out the matter. They are cool but Drake on the other hand found out that me and Aaron slept on the same bed. Let's just say he is definitely not cool with that.
Other than that my nightmares have increased and the only night which I have got to a good sleep is when I slept with Aaron.
Aaron has kept his distance from me and quite frankly I'm starting to miss the annoying face. We talk here and there but it's decreased since the fight.
An hour earlier, I got a text from Lilly. She asked if we could meet at her place. I just reached her place when I saw Xander walking up to me.
“ Hey”
Xander walks up to me and gives me a side hug.
“Lilly called you too?”
“ Yup”Lilly comes skipping to us like a small school girl. Sometimes she acts soo bubbly and outgoing that she reminds me of Alice Cullen.
She comes and kisses me on the cheek and gives Xander a long kiss on his lip. I look away, their PDA is just too much.“ We are gonna go clubbing. No excuses.”
Xander and I both groaned.
She shook her head firmly.
“ No excuses”
It was early afternoon and we decided well hang out at her place and later she will pull us to her favorite club.
We hangout till evening when Xander's mom calls him and he leaves so we go to my house since I have a way better shoe and heel collection than Lilly's. But she has better dresses so I take one of her dresses and go off to my house.Aaron is playing X Box with Drake in my house which is weird since they had been giving each other the cold shoulder lately.
They hear me come and Drake smiles at me while walking up to me.
“ He can't do that ever again.”
“He didn't do shit that I didn't want. I asked him to sleep with me ”I mean I was barely conscious of my actions at the time, but I do remember him waking me up from the nightmare and me curling around his arm and using it as a pillow to sleep.
Drake ignored this but gave me a smile and I climbed up to my room. Lilly comes behind me with a weird expression.
We get ready .... which takes us about an hour.
Come on we are girls what do you expect?“So..um I asked Xander if he would want to meet my dad and brother?”
I just stared at her. She kept her family away from whatever she did...with boys and otherwise. Actually it's the other way round. Her family is always disinterested in her social life. I've only met them twice. I've met her mother once, before she went into rehab and her brother and father twice, once at her home and once when dad called them over for dinner.Her dad is a work holic and travels around the world for months at a stretch. Her brother on the other hand, is a boxer and is often never in the house. As Lilly told me he doesn't like showing her younger sister his bruises. She said that he reasoned that she gets too worried.
Her introducing Xander to her family will be a big step. I mean they already know him as her best friend but introducing him as a boyfriend?
That's a huge step, but a right one.
That's exactly what I tell her.“Girl, have you admitted that you love him?”
Her eyes widen as she jerks back with what I said. I goggle inside my head. It's written all over her face. She loves him.“How did you know? That, you know
....I ...uh... Love him?”
“Girl, look who you are talking to. I'm your best friend. I've known you since We were kids. You, my friend look clearly in love.”
Her cheeks shade a light pink and she looks away.“He told me, you know. That he loves me.”
I wait for her to continue.
“ He told me he loves me the night of the bonfire, I didn't say anything back. I'm scared I'll end up like my father. I'm scared I'll lead him on and then I'll stop loving him. But, yes you are right. I do love him.”
“ Hey, you may have that man's genes but not his personality. You know, your dad did make a mistake. He didn't help your mom out of her mess.
He stopped loving her, at least that is what he believes. What about you? Do you think you will stop loving Xander? Really? Can you imagine your life without him? Hell, I'm his best friend and I can't. We both Can't. I know he has been a pillar for you and, you know what? Girl, you love him. That's not going to change in the near future. So woman up and tell him that, or you might just fuck it more than you already have. I'm sure he will wait. He loves you Lilly and he will wait forever if it's up to him, but to move this thing you'll have to the next level, admit that you and your dad are different beings and you will learn from him because you waited. You waited for him to realise and you have never stopped loving him in that period. What makes you think you'll do now?”Tears formed in her eyes and she nodded.
Just then, we heard the door bell ring. I smiled and went down, to the hallway, leaving Lilly to collect her thoughts.I saw Aaron open the door.
Xander entered and looked at me.
I went up to him and whispered in his ears, “ Don't you dare break her heart Alex, or I'll fuck you up” I say, calling him the nickname I used for him in our childhood.“ I love her Jade, you know I won't”
I smiled,“ You better now Alexander Rivera”That's when Lilly comes down and smiles at us. We leave in Xander's car, going out to lose ourselves in the hot sweaty dance club that Lilly loves.
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~ Nia

His Hazel Eyed Beauty
Romance17 years into her life and Jade thinks she has seen everything. She has suffered and endured so much, she is ready to tackle another year of her life and finally get out of her town and start anew. Repeated nightmares and severe panick attacks have...