Chapter 13

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Jade's pov

I see how his expression changes from playful to sad in less than a second. His jaw clenches and his eyes seem to look further away from the present, as if it's lost in the past. His eyes hold longing and pain, sadness and hurt.
"Are you okay?"
He nods.
Well he is clearly not okay. I know because I see that expression in the mirror every time I wake up from a nightmare.
So I did the one thing that could cheer him up.

I splash water at him and when he gets distracted I  start swimming towards the waterfall.
While swimming I shout," Whoever reaches first gets a free nutella jar."
He realises what I said and laughs.
"Oh you are on"
He disappears into the water and I look towards the waterfall. Determined to reach there first.
But when I do he is already there.
He is fast

Guess he gets the Nutella Jar.
Are you kidding me right now?! I tell my stupid brain.

After about an hour we get out of the water. I rush towards the bathroom and have a nice hot bath. Coming out in my pajamas cause it's night. They are cute and comfortable and I don't really care if anyone sees me in them cause.
I walk out of my room in the hall where I see most of us have changed. Lilly is still walking around with a jacket, and her bikini showing a little underneath.

Alicia is cooking something in her pajamas. I smile. Atleast someone is with me.
I watch as Reece walks up to her and she smiles and pecks his lip.
I look elsewhere to see Casper talking to Xander. Aaron is no where in sight.
Edmund and Edward are not here too. I go outside and walk a little enjoying the fresh breeze when I hear whispers.
I walk towards the sound and see Aaron, Edmund and Edward in a deep conversation.

Aaron sees me coming and smiles.
He walks up to me. "Hi"
Edmund shakes his head and whispers something in Edward's hear. Edward smirks and they both walk away.
"I wanna show you something"
He grabs my wrist and I flinch before mentally calming myself. It's just Aaron.
He leaves my hand and asks me to follow him. I follow him towards the water fall and he takes me a little more deeper into the the forest.

I inhale deeply as I spot a big rock covering a hole in the cliff. He pushes the the rock and I see a small opening he asked me to get in and I crawl in. In there I see blankets, lights and a table. It's a little dusty with spider webs here and there but it looks like no one has been here in months.

I looked at Aaron who entered after me. He smiles sheepishly at me.
" Um I haven't come In here” he hesitated, nervously scratched the back of his hair and looked anywhere but at me. I knew whatever he was about about to say, he was uncomfortable with it.
" Well let's clean it up a bit. Shall we? Does Casper know about this place?"
Aaron laughs.

"If he would he would put a bed and some pillows and would make this place a bedroom cum cave to attract girls and make them fall for him or something. Only me, Edward and Edmund know about it, and well now you."

" Really?"

I smiled, " Well let's clean it up a bit"

We spend the evening removing the webs and dusting off the tables. We wore gloves. Thankfully it was Aaron who encountered all the spiders while I dusted off the chairs and the couch.

He jumped back.
"What is it?"
"um..ah.... nothing, you don't need. To worry"
I smirked ,"What is it Aaron?"
He looked at me and panicked and started looking around. He would look anywhere but at me.

"Okay you got me, it was a spider"
" A spider?"
" Yes a spider"
" Is bad boy Aaron Parker afraid of spiders?"
He scoffed," No of course not"

I hummed knowingly.
After sometime I screamed spider.
The way he jumped back! He bumped right into a chair and fell down and started looking around. Fear all over his face.
I laughed  and didn't stop  for the next 15 minutes.

He looked at me and looked away in a second. His face turning a tinch of pink before he scoffed at me and started ignoring me.

No answer.
I bit my lip to stop myself from my fits of laughter.
I tried again, “Aaron, come on”

" Aaron it was just a joke"
Again no answer.
Ugh, he is acting like a 2 year old kid.
" Okay fine ignore me" I scoffed and started dusting the wooden table that was beside me.
This place needed a major renovation.

After some time when I looked back at him ...I saw a spider on the back of his t shirt.


" Aaron"
He didn't answer.
" Aaron you have a spider on your back"
He glanced at me and looked back at where he was removing the cobwebs.
He scoffed," You think I'll fall for that again?"

" Aaron I'm not kidding, it's crawling upward to your shoulder"
He rolled his eyes.

That's when he felt it. He looked at his shoulder and jumped. He quickly brushed his fingers on his shoulder screaming and trying to remove it. I ran upto him and helped him.

Finally he brushed it of, but his face was still one of horror.
I laughed.
And laughed.
And didn't stop laughing till we reached the cabin and after the incident.


Hey guys.
Sorry I have to cut short the chapter.
I have a Exam on Friday and I have to study. Don't worry I'll update tomorrow but I can't promise it's gonna be a long one. Sorry

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