Aaron's povI get in the car and drive home. I pull in the driveway already noticing a lot of cars and two ambulance parked outside.
I run towards the house and see Mom sitting with dad while 2 gang members were being pulled into the ambulance. I look around for Drake and his dad to see they are hurt but not too badly. They have gotten a few cuts and bruises.I walk towards them and Drake notices me walking towards him nd meets me halfway.
“ What happened man?”
“ The tigers attacked again”
“ What the fuck?”
“ Yeah..I have some work here have to take care of something, I won't be coming this weekend.”
“ That's fine bro.”
“ You can manage taking care of my little sis right? Be careful she shouldn't get hurt.”Normally I would roll my eyes if someone says something like this about how much overprotective one can be but when it comes to Jade I don't know why I just feel the same way. I understand he cares for her. I do too.
I nod and give him a small smile. I can't go back to Jade as dad will need me here to clean up or something. I even haven't even practiced kickboxing in a while. I can do that here.
I can also help dad in paperwork. Being in Jade's house has stopped all of my previous activities. I mean I don't want to do paperwork but I can see dad is severely injured and Don't think he will be able to do stuff.
So after all the cars leave I get to work.
We don't keep any househelp in the house cause we don't trust them. They can be spies from other gangs. We normally do all the work. No matter how much I despise cleaning and paperwork and stuff I can't leave this for my mom.She always flips out when something happens to dad and I don't want this on her plate too.
After I finish cleaning I call Xander to check up on Jade. He picks up on the second ring. I smile when I hear what's on the other end. Man is he whipped.
“ Babe come back here” I hear Lilly's voice.
“ Babe this is important.”
“ More important than me?”
“ No baby”I laugh as I hear them. Gosh he is so whipped.
“ Aaron?”
“ yeah? Just checking up on Jade.”
“ Oh she is fine. She went to sleep while watching TV so I carried her to her room. Damien is in the hall.”“ Um okay.”
“ Hey look if you want me out with Damien I understand. I know what Jade had to go through and I know you know too. If you think there is danger I have no problem stopping and staying in the hall right now.”I breath is laboured. This cannot be fucking happening. Xander knows too? He knows what happened with her? When? Who?
So many questions are looming in my head as I try to get fucking control of my breath.
I don't say anything and cut the call. If Xander knows that means Lilly knows too? Exactly how many people know what happened to her and why am I the only one left out of the triangle.If Amy was here she would tell me to calm down. I miss her so much.
I start doing paperwork. No matter what you do there always seems to be signing document. Reading them. Then if it doesn't fit your need changing them. It's so damn irritating.
I started started checking and reading reports, filing them. I read reports of new recruits and asked Anna, my dad's assistant to check their backgrounds.I look at the time after I finish my work and it's 1:00 am.
I go downstairs to the kitchen for some snacks before going to bed.
I stop when I see my mom's in the hall crying her eyes out. I rush towards her side and hug her while wiping her tears with my hand. Attacks like this are very rare. My mom hates what we do, but she knows that this is the only way we will get peace. Once we find her killer, Dad will focus more on his Construction company. We will end this. We have only continued this business because of her.
“ Mom shh it's okay. Everything is going to be okay.”
“ Why do you do it Aaron? Why does he do it? Why not stop. You know you hate it. You know it's wrong. Why not stop? I hate seeing him hurt like this. After tonight it needs to stop”
“ Mom you know why dad does this. I know he hated this but we all do it to find her killer. To avenge her death.”
I hug her and stay like this tears threaten to fall. I normally don't cry but any mention of my twin sister makes me want to.
But I can't.
Not right now.
I won't cry until that bloody bastard is dead.
That's why my dad has continued the family business.
That's why we are a gang.
Trying to cover are real intentions.

His Hazel Eyed Beauty
Roman d'amour17 years into her life and Jade thinks she has seen everything. She has suffered and endured so much, she is ready to tackle another year of her life and finally get out of her town and start anew. Repeated nightmares and severe panick attacks have...