Chapter 11

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Jade's pov

So today is the day I am going to Casper's cabin.
I have to spend one night alone in a cabin. In a forest.
I hope it doesn't bring bad memories.

Last night I thrived on coffee. I couldn't sleep. I didn't want to sleep actually. I didn't want the nightmares to make its appearance. They have are becoming more frequent and frequent. The night Xander, Damien and Lilly came over, I forced down a couple of sleeping pills. They are strong and I don't like taking them much but if Lilly got to know again that my nightmares are back, or they never left, she would flip her shit, so would Xander.
I usually avoid sleeping at night. Somehow if I sleep from utter exaustion , my nightmares don't come. Also I couldn't help but be scared.

I didn't want to see his face how how he touched me.

So I packed  and then when nothing could be done more to occupy me, I slept.

This nightmare was worse. It was way more detailed and....
I don't want to think about it.
I just want to move on.
My eyes were droopy as I barely got sleep. My hair is tied into a pony and I'm wearing my sweats.
There goes your plan for looking hot for Aaron. It's never going to work out anyway.

I'm sure he finds me so adorable that he thinks of me as a sister more know...a possibility of being more than a friend or something.

I don't know. I don't even know why I'm thinking that. I mean I don't like him do I?
I mean I do like him but as a friend. Right? Only as a friend? Can it be more.

No no no no. I shake my thoughts. No going there. How can he like me? I'm scar-ed. Literally I have scars all over my chest and back. Though I just have one on my chest and maybe 10 on my back.

No one could like me. Ever.
I'll never be pretty enough. He has ruined me. I'll never be able to fix myself.

I tried to take a deep breath. My mind is going to a dangerous path and I don't want go there. There is no denying that at least one of these days I'll have to go there. I have to revisit the past. I'll have to do it because he will come back for me. I know he will.
No matter what Evan says, No matter what dad or Drake says, he will come. They don't know him, I do and believe me when I say he won't come without a plan to ruin me once again. 

Aaron's pov

I pulled my car in Drake's driveway and headed walked to the front of their house early. I knocked at the door and Drake answered.

“ Hey man”
“ She's in the hall”
I nod then my face turns serious.
“ Are you sure we have good amount of resources to attack? I know I won't be there but I don't want something to down. The tigers have to go down tonight. Send Eva in first. Make sure she is wired well and its hidden so they won't suspect she is from our side. This way we can hear their conversation well. Make sure she does her hair exactly as the bartender so when she needs to  escape, she can use the bartender as a diversion. Get some few more spies in the club and one dressed up as a homeless outside. Get that place surrounded, we have to win this tonight. It needs to end tonight.”

Last night,dad told me about the plan.
He needs me to go, they need to think that we are not planning something major. Most of the guys are coming with me to the Cabin. This way they will think that all of us are distracted and might attack tonight, but we will beat them to it.

“I know you are going to Casper's cabin, this is because of plan B but I feel we would need you here.”

“Don't worry. You have Dev. He is as strong as me. We will act like the last line of defence. Casper is our topmost hacker we need him to unlock all those doors. Don't worry, the cabin is a safehouse. With most of us here, he won't suspect a thing. He doesn't know we have rigorously trained our new recruits. We can't be there, since Dad has assigned me for plan B. I can't afford to tell you. I'm sorry it's only for the people who are coming to the Cabin. Plus look on the bright side. Your sister is coming with us. She will be safe.”

His face turns serious as he gives a stiff nod.
“ Take care of her.” he says.
I nod and let myself in. I go into hall where I see her sitting on the sofa. Her head deep in thought and her eyes moist.

Take care of her



So I know the chapter is super short. But last this is like a triple update so...
I can assure you the next chapter is gonna be longer

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