"Don't let the past steal your present"
~Cherrie L. MoragaAaron's pov
I stared at the cover of her diary for a few moments before opening it. This family is hiding something big and I suspect it mostly revolves around her.Drake was one of my best friends. The fact that I never knew he had a sister made me all the more suspicious. My dad had explained that this house was important, i had come here to mainly protect Drake and Jade.
I knew there was something else but i couldn't exactly pin point it. Why would he send me here, when I could fight with him.
He never left me without an answer and I definitely didn't like that. This fight wasn't something small, and an instinct told me, something would go horribly wrong.
I wanted answers. Somehow I knew Jade had them.
I noticed how overprotective Drake got, how her father would worry when she went out with her friends. Whenever dad called Jack Carlson for dinner, Drake always came, but never Jade.I opened the diary and read.
Dear diary,
I didn't know what to do with you when my mom gave me this diary.
I mostly kept you with me because this was the last gift she gave me. She said, " This book will understand all your feelings, Write your thoughts into this and you'll be fine."
I didn't have the courage to write. My mom use to love books, and you remind me a lot about her.
She use to write poems and narrate it to us every day. Sometimes she use to write songs and she use to sing while dad played the guitar.
It's been 3 years since her death. I remember me and Drake fighting all the time and she use to come solve our problems. We were 4 years then.
I remember on my 6th birthday she took me to a amusement park. It was my first time on a roller coaster. I remember holding her hand when we went up and the moment when I knew we were gonna go down I held on tighter.
My dad has been drinking. He always gets in fights with his friends. That's what he told me. His shirt is always sweaty and torn. And he comes with with bottle of vodka almost every night. He doesn't do anything but go in his room and sleep. I hate when he does this. My dad is so close to losing this job.
I barely get to see dad home. I hate this side of him.Nowadays it's me and Drake and I kind of miss him.I sat there staring at the diary. This seemed to personal to read. I felt I was getting to know her without her will.
Figuring out the secrets beneath her beautiful face.
I wanted to read more.
I wanted to know her. I read a page and another, flipping them one by one.Dear diary
Miss burgess was really annoying today. Her mood was really bad and I hope she doesn't remove her home issues on us anymore. It's getting really annoying.
Apart from that things have pretty much been the same.
Only for the fact that I just learnt that Xander has been crushing on Lilly for a while now. It's so cute the way he acts around her. I plan on playing cupid real soon. Let him try to get her without my help. Let's see how it goes. I ship them already.
As for my dad. He came home with a man today. Evan Parker. I don't know who he is. I don't dislike him either. I'm just shocked that dad has made a friend over this time.
Normally he is always sulking but alone.
Not to mention that Evan's son is Aaron Parker, aka the bad -really - hot - piece - of -ass - boy.
Anyways they are coming for dinner and will be here anytime. I guess I will head to Lilly 's house. I'm just shy. The thing is I don't trust men. Not in the slightest. Why? That's what I'm afraid to write about. I have a nagging fear that someone will read this and know all of my nightmares.What Jade? What are you so afraid of?
The power to take it away and make a feel secure urged through me. I remembered her hazel eyes as I bumped into her earlier today. So many secrets, so much mystery.
This is so wrong.
But, I need to know.Dear diary
I just found out that Drake started talking to Aaron. I mean they are like friends now.
What if he comes home and notices me.
He is so damn hot.
I mean it should be just a stupid crush and it's not like he would notice me.
Even if he notices me, I wouldn't want him anyway. He just uses girls and throws them when they serve their purpose.
But a girl can always dream right?
Anyway Evan Parker met me today. He is a really sweet guy and I am now glad that dad has finally stopped fighting. He seems to drink less too.
I guess I have Mr. Parker to thank.
Also, today when Xander sat next to me during recess he admitted his crush for Lilly. I can't wait to play Cupid. They would so cute together.I started feeling something strange just as I read this letter. A wirlpool or mixed emotions washed over me. I did not use girls.
Jade had it all wrong.
I told them no attachments we are only doing this for the pleasure.
And it not like I am rough. I am a man of my word and I do pleasure them.
But they still get attached.
I have no time for a relationship and they know it.And then I read on and on. Trying to open the mystery of this angel.
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His Hazel Eyed Beauty
Romansa17 years into her life and Jade thinks she has seen everything. She has suffered and endured so much, she is ready to tackle another year of her life and finally get out of her town and start anew. Repeated nightmares and severe panick attacks have...