chapter 8

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“ Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.”
        ~Marthe Troly-Curtin

  Aaron's pov

I and Jade head out to her house when I see her nervously biting her lip.
I look at her from my peripheral view and she almost looks like she wants to say something.

I look back at the road and wait till she speaks. I know she will. I am not gonna press her if she doesn't want to tell me. We reach a signal and I stop the car.

" Can we not end today. I am not ready to go yet. Please? I mean we could go if you don't want to go out with me and we could stay at home but-"

I cut off her cute little rant by chuckling. She looks at me with a weird expression and then her cheeks turn red.

" I'm sorry it was stupid of me to suggest that and-"

" I would love to go out with you."

She smile and then suddenly pouts. She sticks her bottom lip out and it takes all of me not to kiss her right now.

" Then why did you laugh at me" She says and it looks so adorable that I laugh more. Suddenly I can't seem to stop my laughter and shake with jabbing pain in my stomach because I can't stop laughing.

She looks at me and pouts a little more and looks out of the more. The. Colour of her cheeks turning red with embarrassment that anger?
Oh god! She looks so cute when she is angry.
Suddenly the signal starts and I start the car and drive down the road shaking and laughing.
I reach her house and pull my car into the driveway. She gets out and walks straight inside. She starts struggling with the key and I still can't control my laughter as I see her going inside and spamming the door. I walks towards the door and ring the bell. She comes and opens it her face still red from anger and embarrassment.
She is just so damn cute.

She looks at me as I start laughing again and she starts getting angry again.
She turns around and stomps off.
I laugh as I go after her and try to calm down as didn't want her to get the wrong idea. I know she already thinks that I'm laughing at her but I can't help it I just find her so cute and adorable.

" Okay I won't laugh! I'm sorry, I'm sorry"
I try to join my lips strongly together to prevent bursting in laughter again. But fail to do so as she turns around and fold her hands together. She is just so cute.
I burst out laughing again and she just swirls around and heads upstairs for her room.

I stay in the hall and calm down. After a minute or two I go up and knock at her door.

I hear a faint go away but decide to enter anyways.

" I'm sorry."

" why were you laughing?"

" Cause you are so cute and adorable when you pout" I give her a pout and she starts laughing instantly. That sound is like the bells of heaven. That is now my favourite sound in the world.

We laugh and it gives me a break from all of the gang work and studies. It makes me forget the world as I sit and listen to her laugh and laugh with her.
But nothing lasts forever.


I pick up my phone and put near my hear. I hear a faint and panic breathing of someone.

" Aaron?"
" Someone attacked our house. We weren't prepared. Drake was here so was his dad"


Jade's pov

" What?!" Aaron practically yells and then his eyes find mine. What ever his mom told him must be pretty bad. Really bad.

He starts searching for his keys and cuts the call telling her he'll be there. He calls someone and keeps it on speaker as he searched for his keys.

" God damn it. Where the fuck are my keys?"

" Hello?" and I instantly know who the person on the phone is. I don't want to talk to him now.

" Damien? Come here and Get Xander with you. I'm at Jade's place I need to be somewhere I think it's dangerous for her to be alone and I'm not bringing her with me."

" Yes okay"
I'm surprised how easily Damien said yes. He looked like he hated Aaron and would most likely never talk with him in Mac Donald's.
Xander? Oh yeah right he is in the gang. He doesn't do anything major. I don't know what he does. He told me about it but always hangs out with us.
I think they don't know what to give him. Ive seen him shoot and he is damn good.
Perks of having a gang memeber for a father. And mother actually. Though she left the gang and is now just a housewife.

I guess I will never find of what happened as Aaron just left. I headed mumbling a goodbye though. He left before I could say it back.

I guess I'll be. Hanging out with Xander and Damien.

After some time I here a knock and I go to open the door.
I instantly smile as I see Xander, Lilly and Damien.

" What's up?"
Xander comes in followed by Lilly and Damien. Damien looks around and avoids my gaze.

I try go sit in the hall and switch on the TV.

Xander and Lilly follow after me." So what are we seeing?"
"idk, Maybe all the boys I've loved before. A lot of people have recommended it to me. "

" Yeah I've seen it. It's really good."

" okay then."
I relax and lie down on Lilly lap as she rests her head on Xander. It's always comforting to have them yet I can't seem to shake away the weird feeling I have in my stomach.


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