Wolf Moon

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I was standing in front of my closet late the night before my first day as a sophomore as I tried to find an appropriate outfit for the occasion. I had already called my friend Lydia for her opinion but that hadn't really helped me come to a final conclusion. I sighed in defeat as I walked backwards until I found the edge of my bed and sunk down onto it. I glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table and I groaned out loud when I saw that it was now 8.30pm.

Deciding to take a break from choosing an outfit, I stood from the bed and stretched out all my limbs with a yawn. I skipped out of my room and across the hall to my twin brother's room. I stood in the doorway and smirked to myself when I saw him doing pull ups on the bar in his bathroom doorway. He was only wearing his workout shorts and I rolled my eyes at him as I leaned on the doorframe. His floppy dark brown hair was covering his deep brown eyes that mirrored my own.

"Really, Scotty?" I asked him from the doorway and he let go of the bar in surprise. I gasped in sympathy and covered my mouth as he fell to the ground with yelp. He looked up at me from his sprawled position on the ground. I grimaced in apology and he rolled his deep brown eyes at me before pulling himself up into a sitting position.

A rustling sound came from outside and Scott and I both looked at each other with wide eyes. Scott stood up from the floor and hurriedly pulled on a t-shirt before picking up a baseball bat that was lying on the floor near the wall. I watched in amusement as he crept passed me with the bat posed over his shoulder, ready to use it if necessary. I started to tiptoe after him but he turned around to face me with a frown on his face so I quirked a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at him expectantly.

"Sophie, stay." He ordered me sternly and I scoffed at him as I crossed my arms over my chest in defiance.

"What am I? A dog?" I asked him rhetorically before pushing passed him and heading towards the staircase that led to the front door. I heard him sigh from behind me and then he touched my elbow gently to pull me to a stop. I looked back over my shoulder at him just as we heard the rustling sound coming from the front of the house again.

"At least let the guy with the bat go first." Scott compromised and I smiled slightly at him as I gestured for him to proceed down the stairs in front of me. He smiled back at me gratefully as he passed me and I waited a second before following him down with an eye roll at his macho behaviour. He raised the bat again as he opened the front door and I peeked over his shoulder to see what was going on.

We both jumped as someone fell down from the roof and started dangling upside down. I, Scott and the mysterious person from the roof all started screaming at the same time. I clapped a hand over my mouth to muffle my screams as I finally recognised the person hanging from the trellis. Scott must have realised who the intruder was as well because he dropped the bat from his shoulder so that it hung loosely from his hand.

"Stiles, what the hell are you doing?" Scott asked our best friend as he swayed slightly from the roof.

"Neither of you answering your phones! Why do you have a bat?" our pale faced friend Stiles Stilinski asked incredulously as I sighed and leaned against the pillar on the porch.

"I thought you were a predator!" Scott defend himself in a 'duh' tone.

"A pre..." Stiles trailed off with a laugh before turning back into the excited ball of energy that usually was because of his ADHD. "Look, I know it's late, but you've got to hear this. My dad left twenty minutes ago, dispatch call. They're bringing every officer of the Beacon department, and even the state police."

"For what?" I asked him curiously as I straightened up at the prospect of excitement. Stiles smirked at me before he tumbled out of the trellis and landed on his feet clumsily. He straightened up and looked between me and Scott with a knowing look that I wanted to smack off of him.

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