Master Plan

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The noises around me seemed to be a wash of white noise and the voices surrounding me were echoing without actually making sense. I was vaguely aware of people talking to me and offering me their condolences but every word they said seemed to diminish before they reached my ears. Everything was moving in slow motion as I stood silently in the middle of the field and watched as the paramedics loaded my best friend's body into the back of an ambulance. My tears had long since dried up but my hands were still shaking slightly as I wrapped an arm around my waist as though that would be able to keep me from falling apart. Everything felt like it was falling apart around me but there was nothing I could do to stop it from happening. Jackson was declared dead not minutes before and Stiles was missing from the lacrosse field but worse of all, it wasn't over yet.

"It's not real." Someone's small almost frantic whisper broke through the mashed up sounds and I slowly turned my head to the side to see Lydia staring blankly at the ambulance. There were tears shining in her light green eyes as she licked her dry lips and I could see the utter heartbreak in her eyes.

"I can't do this." I whispered in a broken voice as I slowly shook my head and Lydia glanced at my in surprise when she heard my voice but nodded in understanding. She grabbed my hand in hers as I started walking backwards and I squeezed it gratefully as my fingers slipped through hers. I cast one more fleeting look at the ambulance before I turned around and started walking towards the locker room where I knew Scott would be. I didn't have the time to mourn the loss of my best friend when my brother's was missing with a complete psycho werewolf hunter on the loose and I didn't want Scott to go through what I was going through at that very moment. I closed my eyes tightly as I did what I did best and buried all the grief, anguish and pain that Jackson's death was doing to me so that I would actually be of some use to Scott in the search for his best friend. I knew that falling apart in the middle of this mess wouldn't do me any good so I suppressed my sorrow and focused solely on my anger directed at the Gerard as I took a deep breath to even out my heart rate.

"Is that everyone?" I heard Scott ask someone in the locker room as I turned into the hallways that lead to the locker room and I plastered an expressionless look on my face as I strutted into the locker room. Scott and Isaac both jumped slightly at the sound of my heels on the floor as they turned to face me in surprise but I ignored their worried expressions.

"I think so. Let's go." I announced in a firm voice as I walked towards them and pushed passed them as I strolled in between them.

"Sophie. Are you okay?" Scott asked me stupidly in a concerned tone as he grabbed my wrist and I snapped my head around to glare at him as I quickly removed his hand. Isaac rolled his eyes at my brother's idiotic question as he crossed his arms over his chest and Scott winced apologetically as he shot me a remorseful look. "What are you doing here?"

"I just lost my best friend. I'm not about to let you lose yours." I told him honestly as I glanced down at the ground for a second before looking back up at my brother with watery eyes and he meet my gaze with the same understanding shining in his dark brown eyes. Scott nodded sagely in understanding as he quirked his lips at me and then turned to face the set of lockers opposite where we were standing. I watched as Scott ripped the metal door off of one of the lockers in the middle of the row and it landed on the ground at Isaac's feet as the Beta raised his eyebrows at my brother.

"You're gonna find him by scent?" Isaac asked in surprise as Scott reached into the locker with a grim expression as he grabbed a few things from inside.

"Yeah, we all are." Scott replied easily as he threw a shoe at each of us and I caught the sneaker on reflex before it could hit me in the face as I frowned at him slightly.

"But how come you get his shirt and I get a shoe?" Isaac complained in a small voice as he looked down at the shoe in his hand with a slight pout and I fought a small smile at his comment as I turned the sneaker over in my hand.

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