Magic Bullet

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I was walking the main hallway at school with Lydia on my left and Allison on her other side. The students that lingered in the hallway between classes parted like that Red Sea as she strolled down the hall not even noticing the awed or envious looks that she got from the other students.

I smirked to myself as I walked with her and Allie in my black and white Love Vest, Black super-slim jeans and my nails painted Electric dark pink to match the Christian Louboutin pumps that were a present from Lydia on my last birthday and the Juicy Couture Handbag slung over my arm.

I was still a little wary of Allison due to the fact that she was Argent but I didn't think that she was even aware of her family's supernatural dealings so I decided to continue myself friendship with her for now. We turned into a vacated stairwell just as Allison informed Lydia and I that Scott was going over to her house that afternoon.

"Scott's coming over? Tonight?" Lydia repeated after her with a smirk on her lips as we came to a complete stop on one of the landings.

"We're just studying together." Allison told us both with an innocent shrug of her shoulders as she adjusted the strap of her bag.

"'Just studying' never ends with just studying. It's like - Getting into a hot tub - Somebody eventually cops a feel." I informed her with a coy smirk playing on my lips as she looked at me with wide brown eyes.

"Well, so what are you saying?"

"We're just saying, you know, make sure he covers up." Lydia said to her with a mischievous smirk of her own but her wording made me grimace because it was my twin brother we were talking about. "Hello, snow white! Do it with him with a condom." My strawberry blonde friend continued when Allison's face morphed into confusion.

"Are you kidding? After one date?" Allison asked in an incredulous hushed whisper even though no one was around.

"Don't be a total prude. Give him a little taste."

"Well, I - I mean, how much is 'a little taste'?" Allie asked is innocently and I gasped in realisation as I covered my mouth with one hand.

"Oh, God. You really like him, don't you?" I asked her with a bright smile as she blushed bright red under my and Lydia's gaze.

"Well - He's just different. When I first moved here, I had a plan - no boyfriends till college. I just move too much. But - Then I met him, and - He was different. I - I don't know. I can't explain it."

"I can. It's your brain flooding with phenylethylamine." Lydia informed her with a shrug of her shoulders and gave me a knowing look that I simply rolled my eyes at. Back a few years ago, Lydia and I had nearly the exact same conversation that we were having with Allison.

"What?" Allison asked with a light chuckle as she looked between the two of us.

"Okay, I'm going forget for a moment that we are in fact talking about my twin brother and I'll tell you what to do. When's he coming over?" I asked her a I fought a shudder that threatened to run down my spine.

"Right after school." She answered me as I leaned back on the wall of the stairwell and Lydia pursed her pretty painted lips in concentration.

"Hmm. Well, you're a cherry, so we don't want to make it too heated the first time. And I'm guessing that Scott is one too?" Lydia asked me instead of Allison and I nodded my head in confirmation so she turned back to face the taller brunette that was blushing and looking confused.

"Cherry?" she asked in confusion as she looked between Lydia and I for an explanation.

"It means you're a virgin." I explained to her bluntly and her head shot up to look at me with wide unblinking dark brown eyes.

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