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I walked into the abandoned train depot holding a box in my arms filled with miscellaneous items that I wouldn't to put in the train car that I had claimed as my own. I hummed to myself as I made my way down the two metal cases of stairs and into the main area of the depot as though I owned it.

My high heels clicked on the concrete floors so that anyone in the building could hear my arrival but I could tell by the number of heart beats that the place was empty except for one.

I walked straight to the last train car on the right and up the steps so that I could see the single mattress on the floor, the set of empty dressers and the trunk that was sitting at the end of the mattress. I smiled slightly to myself as I set the box I was carrying down on the makeshift bed and looked around the small room that was now my own.

It would be nice to have a place that wasn't right under the prying nose of my twin brother so that I could relax without having him nosing around. I heard the shuffling of feet on the other side of the depot as who I presumed was Derek made their way towards my train car.

I moved over to the box on the mattress and starting gathering items in my hands so that I could semi-decorate the area to my liking. I placed a purple photo frame that contained a photograph of me and my late best friend Cora Hale on top of the dress just as I felt a familiar presence in the doorway.

"What are you doing?" I heard Derek ask me stiffly from the doorway to my train car so I smiled a half-smile and turned around to face him with a hand on my hip.

"I'm high-jacking a train car." I told him sternly as I subtly took in his rigid posture as he leaned on the doorframe with his arms crossed over his broad chest.

"No, you're not." He counted as he shook his head at me and I smiled wider in amusement as I took a step towards him with my head tilted to the side slightly.

"Yeah, it was more of a statement than a question." I said with an innocent shrug of my shoulders as I grasped both hands behind my back and took another step closer to him. I noticed his greyish green eyes discreetly survey my movements and I smirked when I heard his heart beat slightly rise as he looked me over before going back to its normal rhythm.

"You've made it clear that you don't want to be in my pack so why should I let you have a train car?" he asked me as he stood up from his lounged position on the doorframe and I nodded my head slowly as I pretended to think it over.

"That's a good point." I conceded thoughtfully as I slowly took another step towards him so that we were only a few feet apart now. "Well, you could think of me as an independent contractor."

"How so?" he questioned me with an amused ghost of a smile that made me smirk back at him as I took another step closer to where he stood looking more relaxed now than before.

"I'm not pack but I can help you with pack business occasionally." I suggested carefully as I raised a perfectly sculpted at him with a small smile playing on my lips and he hummed in acknowledgement to my offer as he took a small step closer to me.

"So, what would being an 'independent contractor' involve exactly?"

"Well, for starters, I get a train car." I pointed out with a cheeky smile as I gently bit down on my lower lip seductively and I watched as Derek's gaze shifted to my lip at the movement.

"If you're going to be involved in the pack then there's something you should know..." Derek told me as his relaxed demeanour suddenly changed back to his normal serious one and I immediately felt my own playfully attitude dissolve. "I gave Jackson the bite."

"What?" I asked dumbly as my whole body froze in surprise at his words and he just nodded slowly at me so I blinked repeated to clear my head. I couldn't believe that Jack had gotten the bite and not told me about it but then again it did explain why he was so chirpy the day before.

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