The Tell

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I was walking down the hallway at school with my arm linked through Allie's as we made our way towards her locker. My Black Satin Platform pumps clacked against the tiles as I walked in my Coral Lace Pleated Blouse, Leather Skater Skirt and my long dark brown hair pulled up in a ponytail.

"So, then my Aunt Kate starts taunting Scott into giving up whatever it was that he assumedly stole from her bag." Allison recounted to me what had happened when Scott had been forced to stay at her house for dinner with her family. I started chuckling lightly as she pouted prettily and shook her head at the memory.

"So, then what happened?" I asked her curiously with a huge grin on my lips. My cheeks were starting to hurt from smiling so hard but it was a good change of pace from the worried frown I had been sporting all morning.

The night before, Jackson and Lydia had been involved in an 'animal attack' at the video store. I knew that in reality it hadn't been a mountain lion that attacked my friends but the Alpha.

"I stop her interrogation by telling her that it was me going through her bag." Allison admitted sheepishly as she looked down at the ground and I gasped in surprise as I gripped her arm harder.

"I am so proud of you. Stealing, lying. You are coming along nicely. Another week and I'll have you committing armed robbery." I joked lightly as we continued to her locker and she chuckled at my comment.

"If you think that's good, wait until you hear what I stole..." she trailed off teasingly with a slyly smile and then hurried her pace so that she was in front of me. I paused in my steps for a second before I jogged in my heels to catch up to her.

"You can't just say things like that and then just take off!" I scolded the other brunette girl when I caught up to her and linked my arm back through hers. She smiled at me warmly as I shook my head at her but returned her smile equally as bright.

"Well, I may have stolen a condom from her bag." She told me quietly as we reached her locker and I stopped in my tracks to gawk at her with an open mouth. She glanced at me self-consciously and I made myself close my mouth and smile at her in understanding.

"That is the most awkward thing ever." I stated matter-of-factly as I leaned against the locker next to hers.

"No, the awkward part was when I pulled it out in front of Scott, my Aunt Kate and my dad." She corrected me darkly and I couldn't help but laugh loudly at her unfortunate luck. Allison scowled at me as she looked around to see that some of the other students were staring at us now so I turned to them with my best popular girl face plastered on.

"What are you all looking at? Disperse." I ordered them in my best imitation of Lydia's attitude as I waved a hand dismissively and the onlooking students scattered quickly. I shook my head at them as I turned back to Allison who was looking at me with an eyebrow raised questioningly. "What?"

"Nothing." She replied quickly as she turned back to her unopened locker. "Regina George." She muttered under her breath jokingly as she turned the dial on her locker and I laughed at the nickname.

She opened the locker door and she was instantly assault by an onslaught of multi-coloured balloons and I giggled as she jumped back in surprise. She turned to look at me with wide eyes but I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Lydia." I stated as it was obvious and she groaned out loud as she tried to stuff all the balloons back into her locker. "Does that mean you don't want your birthday present?" I asked her innocently as I pulled a small light blue jewellery box seemingly out of nowhere and held it out to her. She turned to look at me in surprise but I just smiled at her and held out the box to her. She smiled slightly back at me and gingerly took the box from my hands. She opened the box slowly while I held my breath as I waited impatiently for her to open it. I smiled brightly when Allison gasped in shocked delight at what was inside the box.

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