Pack Mentality

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Laura was dead.

Laura Hale. I had never met her personally but I knew that she was Peter's niece and Derek's older sister. As well as her sisters sister. That family had suffered enough for this lifetime I thought. I walked into the cafeteria as I was talking to Lydia about the animal attack the night before and we walked towards where Scott and Stiles were sitting. I smiled at my twin brother and friend as I sat down next to Stiles at the table while Lydia sat down on my other side.

"You're not going to cancel your entire life! We'll figure it out!" I heard Stiles exclaimed to Scott as we sat down with them.

"Figure what out?" Lydia asked Stiles as she rearranged the lunch tray that she had placed in front of her. I glanced at Stiles from the corner of my eye and smirked when I saw him staring at my strawberry blonde friend in shock and awe. I watched as Lydia quirked a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at him as she waited expectantly for him to answer her question.

"Er... Homework!"

"Yeah..." Scott agreed half-heartedly and I looked at them in confusion but shook my head and ignored their weirdness.

"Why is she sitting with us?" Stiles whispered loudly to Scott against the table and I opened my mouth to answer him when Allison sat down next to Scott and Danny sat down next to me. Greenburg and another one of the lacrosse players sat down in the only other empty seats at the table but I saw Jackson walking over and knew that at least one of those seats were about to be vacated.

"Get up." Jack ordered the lacrosse player that I couldn't remember the name of because he was on Lydia's other side.

"Why don't you ask Danny to get up?" the player asked Jackson in irritation.

"Because I don't stare his girlfriend's or best friends coin slot." Danny retorted with a smirk that made me laugh as the guy shot us all a look as he got from the table and Jackson took his seat. Jackson pressed a kiss to Lydia's cheek and one to mine that I smiled at before he turned to his food. "So I heard it was some kind of an animal attack... Probably a cougar."

"I heard it was a mountain lion." Jackson corrected Danny as I bit into an apple that I had grabbed for lunch.

"A cougar is a mountain lion." Lydia said to the group absently but then she looked up from her food and saw a number of people looking at her strangely so she twirled her finger in her hair and tilted her head to the side to play dumb. "..Isn't it?"

"Who cares? It was probably a homeless guy who were gonna die anyway." Jackson said carelessly while I was shooting Lydia a look behind his back but she just shrugged her shoulders at me and tried to look innocent. I never knew why Lydia didn't want people to know that she was a genius.

"Actually I just found out who it is, check it out!" Stiles said as he looked down at his phone before pulling it out so that we could all see the news segment that was playing about the attack.

"The sheriff's department won't speculate on the details of the incident, but confirmed that the victim, Garrison Meyers, did survive at the attack. Meyers was taken to a local hospital where he remains in a critical condition." The journalist on the news said into the camera as we all watched it play.

"Wait, I know this guy!" I exclaimed at the same time as Scott.

"You do?" Allie asked us as she looked between us in concern but I just nodded numbly as Stiles put the phone away.

"Yeah, we used to take his bus when we went to see our dad. He was the driver." Scott explained to her softly.

"Can we talk about something more fun, please? Like... Oh, where are we going tomorrow night?" Lydia asked Allison excitedly but the other brunette just looked at her in confusion. "You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night, right?"

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