Ice Pick

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I was standing in the gym staring in horror at the newly resurrected rock-climbing wall while the other students in my class gathered around it chatting to their friends.

I looked around the room for Erica because I knew that my blonde haired friend was in my P.E class and then smiled then my gaze landed on her in the corner of the room.

"Hey, E." I greeted my friend as I approached her and her heart rate picked a little as she jumped in surprise before turning to look at me.

"Oh, hey, Soph." she replied shyly to me before looking back at the climbing wall with a worrying look on her face and I remembered that she was epileptic so this kind of thing was dangerous for her but I also knew that Erica wouldn't want to look weak in front of her peers.

I frowned at little in thought as I looked around the room at the people in the class before turning back to Erica with my lips pursed.

"I so don't want to do this stupid exercise." I said in a whiny voice as I groaned in displeasure and Erica gave me a sympathetic smile as she finally looked away from the contraption in the middle of the gym.

Erica was similar to Lydia in the way that she wouldn't accepted pity from anyone, not even those she considered her friends so I knew I had to find another way to try and get her out of climbing the wall. "Hey, any chance for talking you into skipping school with me?" I asked her in a hopeful voice but she just laughed a little like I was joking around.

"McCall! Argent! Let's go!" I heard Coach Flinstock call from the other side of the room and I turned my head to frown at him in confusion.

"Which one of us?" I yelled back at him with my hand on my cocked hip and my eyebrows rose expectantly as he looked at me as though just realising there were two of us in his class.

"Male McCall!" he clarified for us before blowing his whistle shrilling and I cringed slightly as Scott and Allison walked up to the climbing wall to get harnessed.

"Idiot." I muttered under my breath as I rolled my eyes at our teacher and turned back to Erica who was looking at me with a small smirk playing on her lips. "What?"

"I don't know. Something's different about you. You've always been confident in yourself but lately it's been like your confidence is on ecstasy or something." She commented playfully but serious and I started giggling at her description as she broke out in a grin that brightened her whole face dramatically.

"I like that." I said when my giggles disappeared but I was still smiling like crazy at my friend as she fiddled with the edge of her shirt. "I don't know what's different though. Maybe I changed shampoos." I joked with her as I pretended to tap my chin thoughtfully even though I knew that my new found confidence had nothing to do with beauty products and was really thanks to my transition into a werewolf. Being a wolf just made me feel more relaxed, self-assured and more like me than I could ever remember feeling.

"Well, whatever it is, sign me up. I could do with some confidence." Erica said with sad sigh at the end so I immediately linked my arm through hers in a silent sign of support and she gave me a small smile before turning back to watch just as Scott fell from the wall on to mat below him.

I let a small laugh at the sight of my brother falling from the sky but my mind of replaying Erica's words over and over again.

She would definitely benefit from receiving the bite because it would cure her of her epilepsy and give her the self-confidence that she desired. It wasn't as though Derek wasn't giving the option of taking the bite, well he had given the option to Isaac and it was on them whether or not they accepted it.

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