Code Breaker

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I woke up to the constant buzzing of my cell phone near my head as I slept dozed peacefully on the brink of sleep but not yet achieving it. I felt the presence of something solid behind me and something wrapped tightly around my waist so it took me a minute in my tired state to remember that I wasn't at home in my room.

I had gotten bored of the Winter Formal quickly after my dance with Isaac so I had started up a flirt with one of the bass players in the band that was playing.

Our suggestive conversation soon turned into a trip in his car back to his apartment across town with a small detour to my house so that I could change out of my formal dress and into some more comfortable clothing, then his apartment. I opened my eyes into slits as I reached one arm out of the warm covers to grab my cell phone.

"Hello?" I answered the phone quietly as I attempted to slide out of the bed without waking up the bass player whose name I couldn't remember.

"Sophie! Thank God! Where the hell are you?" Stiles asked me in a panic as I finally got myself out the musician's arms and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. I rubbed a hand across my forehead as I looked around the messy room for the clothes that I had abandoned earlier that night.

"Uh, I'm in bed." I told him honestly as I stood up from the edge of the bed to search for my clothes quietly without waking the guy asleep in the bed. "Why? What's going on?"

"Oh, nothing much. Except that your douche of a best friend told the werewolf hunters about your werewolf brother and now they're out to kill his werewolf ass. Ah, and Peter, the big frightening Alpha werewolf bit Lydia and then kidnapped me." Stiles informed me in a rush as I froze where I was in the middle of the room with my mouth gaped open.

"...Hmm. Okay, well, the better question is where are you, Stiles?" I asked him as I shook my head once before crouching down to pick up my tights.

"I'm in my jeep with Peter. He needs me to find Derek by tracing Scott's phone." He told me as I balanced the cell phone in between my shoulder and my ear so that my hands were free so I could pull my pants on.

"Do you even know how to trace a phone?" I asked him doubtfully as I picked up my tank top from the floor and then threw it on quickly.

"Yeah, about that. That's why I'm calling you." He admitted sheepishly and I rolled my eyes at him as I grabbed my cardigan from the floor with one hand. "Listen, I'm going to swing by your house and pick you up."

"You can't." I said to him as I looked for my shoes in the mess on the floor and I heard him groan on the other end of the phone.

"I know you need you beauty sleep, Soph, but this is a little more important." He argued with me as I found my shoes and slid them onto my feet silently.

"No, I mean, you can't pick me up at my house." I corrected him as I headed towards the front door of the apartment without looking back.

"Why not? You just said you were in bed."

"I didn't say I was in my bed." I reminded him with a satisfied smirk on my lips as I quietly opened the front door and snuck out of the apartment.

"What? Oh! Gross, Sophie, you're like my sister." Stiles complained loudly in disgust as I rolled my eyes at his dramatics and headed towards the elevator. "Oh, God. Just tell me where you are and I'll come get you."

"Thanks. I don't know where I am but I'll look it up on the GPS on my phone and text you the address. Hang on, I have to go." I told him as I approached the elevator and the doors opened automatically for me to enter. I pressed the button for the ground floor while I typed on the GPS app on my phone before smiling slightly and sending my location to Stiles' phone so that he could come and pick me up.

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