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I was standing alone in the examination room in the back of the veterinarian clinic as I waited for Scott to get here and I jumped up on to the metal table gracefully. 

Scott had asked me to meet him here so that we could ask Alan Deaton’s for his help dealing with the kanima and I had gotten here before him because I wanted to talk to my mentor privately before my brother got there.

I closed my eyes as I enjoyed the rare moment of silence and swung my legs childishly back and forth as I hummed quietly to myself.

“I see you’re making yourself useful.” Dr Deaton said cheerfully as he entered the room and I smiled as I opened my eyes to see the vet standing in the doorway with a faint smile.

“I’m not working today, Doc. This is a purely social visit.” I replied to him as I my hands on either side of legs and he walked further into the room as he quirked an eyebrow curiously.

“And what is it I can do for you, Sophie?”

“Listen.” I stated in a small voice as I glanced down at the floor for a second and then back up at him with my eyes shining with the distressed tears I kept hidden behind emotional walls.

Alan Deaton was one of the only people I felt comfortable enough to see behind the carefully constructed walls I had built and that was only because he could see through them without trying. There was something about him that made it easier for me to be open with my emotions and as hard as I tried to fight it at the beginning after years of knowing him, I knew most of his secrets so I trusted him with mine.

“I’m always here to listen to you, Sophie. You know that.” he told me honestly as he strolled over to lean against the counter in front of me and I offered him a small smile. I took a deep breath to prepare myself to say out loud the words I had been trying so hard to keep buried and licked my dry lips as I centred myself.

“I feel like I’m being pulled in three different directions. In one corner, Jackson is my best friend and I don’t want anything bad to happen to him. I don’t know what I would do if he wasn’t in my life. I know that something bad is happening to him, and he’s killing all these people, but that isn’t really him. I know him better than I know myself, and that thing isn’t Jackson. It’s not.” I said passionately with tears in my eyes as I placed my hands behind me to rest on the cold metal table and Alan crossed his arms over his chest as he watched me sympathetically. “I know that he’s the one killing people, and that’s where Derek’s right. If it was anyone else that was the kanima and not Jackson, I would probably be right there with Derek trying to kill them. We don’t know what the kanima is really capable of and if the bestiary we translated is right than it’s only going to get worse before it gets better. I don’t want anyone to get hurt or killed, but that includes Jack.” I told him honestly as I slumped my shoulders in defeat as I wiped a tear off my cheek and sniffled lightly as I smiled shakily to reassure Alan that I was alright when he frowned at me in concern. “Scott has good intention. He doesn’t want to hurt Jackson but at the same time he doesn’t want anyone else to get hurt either. It would be the obvious choice, right? He’s my twin brother, wants to protective everyone but it’s not that easy. Don’t agree with everything he does. When Derek was turning Isaac, Erica and Boyd, Scott was against it but I wasn’t. I understood why Derek was changing them. I understood why they were agreeing to be changed. I was even the one that suggested Derek change Erica. Scott never would have asked to be turned into a werewolf because he didn’t even know about the supernatural before he was bitten. You know that I’ve known about the supernatural since I was ten. How could I not have thought about being turned?”

Rising Moon: Entry | Teen Wolf ( 1 )Where stories live. Discover now