Second Chance at First Line

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I was standing near the lockers in my navy blue floral strapless Dress paired with black basic leggings, maroon Knit Cardigan, red Ballet flats and a red Rose Necklace with my hair in a messy up do.

"It was really weird. One minute we were dancing together and the next h was running away from me as fast as he could." Allison said to me about her date with Scott on Friday night. I frowned in confusion as to why my twin brother would act that way towards Allison because I knew that he really liked her. She looked really sad as she told me about her date so I listened to her sympathetically as I leaned against the locker next to hers. "He just left the party without a word. Luckily, one of his friends offered to give me a lift home."

"Crap. I'm sorry, Allie. My brother is the biggest idiot sometimes. Who was this mysterious friend?" I asked her curiously because the only friend of Scott's was Stiles and I didn't think that's who she meant.

"Um, his name was Derek, I think." She informed me with small crease in her brow as she tried to remember. I raised my eyebrows in surprise at her answer but didn't say anything because I didn't want to freak her out about getting in a car with a stranger.

"Oh, okay. Did Scott at least give you an awesome apology or do I need to go kick his ass?"

"No, he gave me an apology." She assured me as she giggled at my comment. I smiled at her brightly as she closed her locker and then linked my arm through hers as we made our wave to the lacrosse field to watch the practice. We climbed up onto the bleachers just as Scott missed a shot and Jackson crashed into him making him sprawl out on the ground. I winced at the impact and clasped my hands to together to stop from racing down there to make sure he was okay. Allie grabbed my hand in hers as we watched Scott stand back up and move back to the start of the line.

"My grandmother can move faster than that, and she's dead! You think you can move faster than the body of my dead grandmother?" Coach Flinstock called out to Scott but I couldn't hear his reply. "I can't hear you."

"Yes, coach!" Scott's voice called out louder than before as he moved to the front of the line.

"Then do it again! McCall is gonna do it again!" Coach informed the other players and then blew his whistle so that Scott started running towards Jackson again. He rammed into Jackson hard and I gasped at the unexpected strength behind the hit. Jackson fell to the ground grabbing his shoulder and all the other players crowded around him but my attention was focused on Scott because he had also fallen to the ground and was clutching his head.

"I'll be right back..." I mumbled to Allison as I saw Scott and then Stiles both take off towards the locker room. I climbed down the steps of the bleachers and was about to go into the locker room when someone grabbed my elbow to stop me. I turned my head to the side and my eyes widened in surprise when I saw that it was Derek Hale that had stopped me.

"I wouldn't go in there." He warned me as he nodded towards the locker room. I titled my head to the side as I studied him and was about to argue when I saw the sincerity in his green/grey eyes so I bit my lip and nodded hesitantly.

"Okay. I trust you." I told him honestly and he jerked a bit in surprise at my words. He let go of my elbow and I looked over my shoulder at the locker room. I turned back around to ask him why I shouldn't go in there but he had disappeared. I looked around the area but I couldn't see him anywhere. I knew that I could go into the locker room with no one stopping me now but I shook my head to myself and walked back over to the bleachers to meet up with Allison.

Later that afternoon at home, I walked into Scott's home without knocking to fins him lying on his bed with his eyes closed. I smiled to myself and ran up to jump on the bed next to him.

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