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"Hey, Sophie!" I heard an obnoxious male voice call to me where I was in front of my locker from down the hall and I rolled my eyes in exasperation as I tried to ignore them.

I placed my books into my locker before taking out the ones I needed for my next class as footsteps got closer to my locker where I was standing.

"Hey, Sophie." The same familiar male voice said at normal volume from next to me and I sighed in defeat because I knew that I wasn't getting away now that he had me cornered.

"What do you want, Greenberg?" I asked him as I glanced over to see him leaning his back on the locker next to mine with a cheesy grin that was meant to be charming.

"I wanted to know what time to pick you up for the Winter Formal."

"Yeah, that's not happening." I told him as if it was obvious before I slammed my locker shut and turned on my heel to walk away from him.

Before I could take a step away from him though, I felt someone grab onto my elbow to halt me so I turned my head around to see only inches away from me. I narrowed my eyes at him as I pulled my elbow out of his grip but he just hold on tight to my arm until I could feel his fingers pressing hard into my bare skin.

I looked around the hallway for someone to help me out of this uncomfortable position and nearly sighed in relief when I spied a familiar head of tawny curls down the hall.

"I'm actually late for a study session." I lied through my teeth to Greenberg as I pulled my arm from his grasp before walking as fast as I could in my heels down the hall.

"Hey, Isaac!" I called to my friend as I got closer before looking over my shoulder at Greenberg and noticed that he was watching my retreating figure.

"Oh, uh, hi, Sophie." Isaac half stuttered as he stopped walking and waited for me to catch up to him. I noticed his gaze drop down to my lace covered legs before sliding back up to meet my gaze and I smiled warmly in amusement at his nervous behaviour because even though we had been friends for years he still acted surprised whenever I spoke to him at school.

I linked my arm though his without stopping as I pulled him with me down the hallway further away from Greenberg.

"What's happening?" I asked him curiously as I sighed in relief that Greenberg was no longer in my sights.

"Uh, nothing. Lacrosse, working, uh, school." he listed off quickly and I chuckled lightly at his shy attitude as I shook my head in amusement. I started walking towards the locker rooms because I knew that Isaac was meant to be in there with the team and I was meant to be meeting Scott and Stiles there.

"I'll have come and visit you at work sometime. The cemetery is a great place to study." I told him with a smile as I thought back to the last time I had visited Isaac at his father's cemetery. "Libraries are too main stream for me."

"Yeah, uh, that's mainly where I study." He agreed with me as he chuckled a little at my joke and I laughed as we reached the locker room doors. He paused out the front of the double doors but I just continued into the locker room without stopping so he quickly caught up to me. "I, uh, don't think you're meant to be in here."

"It's nothing I haven't seen before, Isaac." I said to him with a flirty smile and a wink in his direction as I walked over to find my brother and Stiles or even Jackson since I hadn't seen or heard from him in a while.

"You want me to take her to the formal." I heard Jack say to someone so I frowned curiously as I fastened my pace in that direction. I rounded the corner of lockers to see Jackson standing in front of Scott and Stiles so I slowly walked up to the three of them.

Rising Moon: Entry | Teen Wolf ( 1 )Where stories live. Discover now