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I was breathing hard as I took a step back from my opponent and wiped the sweat off of my forehead with the back of my opponent. I gritted my teeth together as I moved to the side quickly in order to dodge another hit and I was thankful for my new superior werewolf reflexes in that moment because their clenched fist flew past my head with an inch of air separating them.

I grabbed their wrist in my hand and squeezed as hard as I could until I heard the sicken crack of the bones cracking. I twisted my body so that I was behind my attacker before lifting my leg to land a kick on the back of their knee so that that fell forward.

Once they were on their knees in front of me, I transformed my human hand into a claw and rest the sharp claws at the base of their neck as I pulled their head back with their hair. I knew that with one swift movement of my hand I could rip the flesh off their throat but I instead I just smirked at them as I leaned into their ear.

"I win." I whispered to them before I chuckled lightly and let go of them so that they slumped forward a little.

They rolled on to their back as we both breathed heavily due to the adrenaline rush that the fight had caused. I stood up straight as I smiled slightly at them before offering them my hand to help them up off of the ground.

They glared at me slightly but gripped my hand in theirs anyway and I smirked smugly before they pulled me forward so that I fell onto the ground next to them in a sprawl.

I huffed out a deep breath as I glared heatedly at the amused werewolf next to me before I pushed their shoulder with all my strength and they winced slightly under the pressure. I took a deep breath to calm my heart rate down before I stood up on the sparring mat we were practicing on.

"You're getting better." He complimented me gruffly as he stood up from his sprawled position on the mat and I smirked at him over my shoulder as I made my way over to the side of the room where my water bottle was with my bag.

"You mean how I just kicked your ass?" I asked him rhetorically as I let the arrogance I felt leak into my voice as I picked up my water bottle.

"Don't get used to it." He replied to me as he strolled over to where I was near the bench and picked up his own water bottle.

"Oh, come on, Derek. I was a total badass. I know it and you know it so I just admit it already." I teased him jokingly before I sprayed some water into my mouth and he rolled his greyish green eyes at me in amusement as he did the same. I laughed lightly as I grabbed my bag from the bench before making my way to one of the abandoned train cars that were in the old warehouse that Derek had moved to after he became the Alpha.

Once I was alone in the privacy of one of the train cars I pulled on my out the change of outfit I had brought for after training. I redid my messy ponytail as I walked back out to meet Derek in the area we had sectioned off for training ever since I had come to him for help the day after Peter had been killed and I had been bitten.

Scott had been furious when he found out I was bitten by Peter but there wasn't anything he could do about the outcome so he gradually came to a begrudging acceptance of my new species. He had however tried to ban me from going to Derek for help when I was learning to control my new abilities and I had accidentally wolfed out once when my anger got out of hand.

Since then Derek out helped my utilise and manage my powers through self-control and disciple techniques. I had worked out a exercise routine to help me burn off some of the excess energy that being a werewolf gave me so now I ran every morning before school and did one hour of mediation every night in order to keep my heart rate at a normal level even when I was angry.

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