Heart Monitor

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I was trailing behind Scott as he led the way through the parking structure at the mall. My twin brother had begged me to come with him grocery shopping because he could never remember what it was he was meant to be buying.

Scott pushed opened the door to the stairwell with his shoulder still he was carrying two plastic bags full of grocery's in each hand as I followed behind him in amusement.

He stopped just outside the door and looked around the parking lot for our car as I smirked behind his back.

This had been the third parking floor we had looked on but Scott hadn't yet asked me for my opinion so I continued to let him wander around hopelessly for my own enjoyment.

"Damn it." He swore under his breath as he realised that he was still on the wrong floor before turning around and motioning for me to head back to the stairwell. I smiled slightly as I ducked my head and silently went with him up another level.

At the next door, he pushed it open and gestured for me to go first out into the parking lot. He smiled at me with a flourished bow as I waltzed pasted him and out into the concrete parking lot. I glanced back at him with a smirk as he looked around the level with a confused look on his face before he started walking aimlessly out further.

I shook my head in amusement as I followed a few metres behind until he stopped suddenly and put down all the grocery bags he was holding. I watched as he reached into his hoodie pocket and pulled the car keys he was keeping there.

One of the bags fell to the side and the carton of milk started rolling away as Scott hit the lock button on the key remote. He glanced up at the roof so I assumed that he heard the alarm with his werewolf hearing.

He sighed in relief that he had found the car, when I reality all he had to do was ask me, as he leaned down to pick up the grocery bags only to see the milk was gone.

He wordlessly asked me where the milk went and I pointed under the car that I had watched the milk carton roll under.

My phone beeped to alert me that I had a message and I pulled it out of my bra where I was keeping it.

Derek: Go out level 1 and wait.

I rolled my eyes at the vague message but silently put the phone back in my bra and waited for some sign to go to level one of the car park.

I glanced at Scott who was leaning down to get the carton of milk only to see the milk roll back of its own accord with three claw marks in it.

I raised an eyebrow at it as Scott jumped up from the ground before grabbing my arm roughly and pulling me towards the stairwell.

"Go downstairs!" he ordered me and I silently nodded at him as I plastered a fake petrified look on my face. Scott gave me a chaste peak on the cheek before taking off at a speed unnatural to a human and I huff a sigh before I walked back over to where Scott dropped the groceries.

I picked them up off the ground and walked them up to the car before heading down to the first level where Derek ordered me to wait for them. I found Derek's sleek black Camaro and leant against the passenger side door as I waited for the two boys.

"What - what the hell was that?" I heard my brother demand angrily from behind me and I turned around from phone that I was playing Angry Birds on to see him and Derek walking towards me.

"Said I was gonna teach you. I didn't say when." Derek explained to him gruffly as I pushed off the car with a smile on my face.

"Hey! How did it go?" I asked them cheerfully but they both just gave me blank looks so I pursed my lips and held my hands up in surrender.

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