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I was trudging through the forest with Allison and Lydia because the strawberry blonde had called me earlier that morning and practically demanded that we had to go dress shopping for the formal together.

I was still pissed at Lydia because she made out with Scott during lacrosse practice behind Allie's back but it really wasn't anything to do with me and they were broken up when it happened so it wasn't like she did anything morally wrong.

Lydia had picked me up before driving to get Allison from her house but when we arrived Allie had informed us that she had to do an errand before we went to the mall. I had just shrugged my shoulders in response because I wanted to do anything that would prolong the time until we reached the mall with Lydia.

I loved Lydia dearly and while I had no strong feelings against shopping in particular, I did have a small aversion to shopping with Lydia because she practically defined the saying 'shop 'til you drop'.

"Allison - When you said you needed to stop for an errand before we went shopping - a five - mile hike in the woods was not what I was expecting." Lydia called out to us through little huffs as she caught her breath from behind and I glanced over my shoulder to smirk at her. I saw Allison smirk as well from the corner of my eye as she held the strap of her huge black canvas bag tighter until her knuckles were white under the pressure.

"Before I forget, I wanted to ask if you're okay with something." Allison said to Lydia casually but I could see the maliciousness in her normally compassion dark brown eyes. "Jackson asked me to the winter formal."

"Did he?" Lydia and I both asked her as we walked although Lydia's voice came out half an octave higher than normal and mine was filled with confusion because Jack hadn't said anything about asking Allison to the dance to me.

When I thought about it, I hadn't seen or heard from Jackson in a while and that definitely wasn't normal for us.

"Huh. Just as friends. But I just wanted to make sure you're okay with it first." Allie said with fake sincerity and I frowned in confusion as to why she was acting so oddly.

"Sure. As long as it's just friends." Lydia told her as she huffed to catch her breath because Allison and I were walking faster than her and I turned my head to glance at her in disbelief only to see her glaring at the back of Allison's head. I rolled my eyes at her as I turned back around to watch where I was walking but I was secretly glad that at least Lydia was acting in character.

"Well, yeah, I mean - It's not like I would take him to the coach's office during lacrosse practice to make out with him or anything." Allison continued knowingly with a fake chuckle at the end and I paused for a second before continuing to walk with her.

"Uh, about that -"Lydia stuttered as she stopped before hurrying to catch up to us. Allison stopped walking to turn around and face Lydia with a hurt expression on her face.

"How could you? You know how much I like Scott."

"I'm sorry! I really am, Allison." Lydia apologised as she raised her hands halfway in the air as if surrendering and I cocked my head to the side at the genuine remorse on her pretty face. It wasn't every day that Lydia Martin showed her emotional side instead of the hard exterior she wore at school.

"Wow. You actually look sorry for what you did." I mused out loud as I crossed my arms over my chest and both girls glanced at me quickly before looking back at each other.

"How did you find out anyway?" Lydia wondered to Allison curiously before turning to me in outrage so I raised my eyebrows at her. "You told her?!"

"You knew?!" Allison asked me straight after Lydia and I held up my hands in defence at the two angry teenage girls in front of me.

"Whoa! I didn't tell anybody anything. You came keep me out of your teenager, soap opera drama, thank you very much." I responded as I tossed my hair over my shoulder with a flick of my hand before both the other girls nodded their heads at me because they knew me well enough to know that I never got involved in things that weren't my business.

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